And another recently finished collage piece I created. I named this piece:
"No Shit Music"
It measures 75 x 75 cm's.
Still available for sale, DM me for more information.
#collage #art #collageart #collageartist #popart #contemporaryart #popartist #modernartist #artist #dutchart #dutchartist #caribbean #groningen #sxm #stmartin #stmaarten #grunn #caribbeanart #caribbeanartist #weekend #contemporaryartist #popartist #music #artgallery #artcollector #collageartexpo #artexpo #noshit
#collage #art #collageart #collageartist #popart #contemporaryart #popartist #modernartist #artist #dutchart #Dutchartist #caribbean #groningen #sxm #stmartin #stmaarten #Grunn #caribbeanart #caribbeanartist #weekend #contemporaryartist #music #artgallery #artcollector #collageartexpo #artexpo #noshit
The company behind those "immersive" Van Gogh and Monet exhibitions that charge $$$ for a fancy screen saver projection just went Chapter 11.
Choice quote: “the format ‘lost its novelty and patrons had other options.’” #noshit
“The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has just ruled against Joe Biden’s order for federal workers to be COVID vaccinated on the grounds that it’s unconstitutional”
#NoShit #BackPay #CrimesAgainstHumanity #Nuremberg2.0
#noshit #backpay #crimesagainsthumanity #Nuremberg2
Consumers often can’t detect fake reviews – and underestimate how many negative reviews can be fake
Supreme Court probe was an investigation that never wanted an outcome: Former FBI counter-intel official
My U.S. Mastodon peeps . . Does this look like a guy that doesn’t take sh*t from anyone!?!?
#jacksmithdoj #seriousdude #noshit
Immerhin der PCR-Test hat ein Leben gerettet. 🍀 Beim gleichzeitig durchgeführten Bluttest is lebensbedorhlicher Kaliummangel aufgefallen. Hervorgerufen durch Fehlmedikamentierung mit Blutdrucksenker m( #noshit
En time etter at fireåringen har vekket meg ser han ut på de andre blokkene og utbryter: Det er jo ingen andre som har stått opp. #noShit
no kidding #life #death #noshit #sarahshahi #blackadam
#life #death #noshit #SarahShahi #blackadam
Salzloses Esses bietet immer wieder eine überraschende Dimensionsarmut. #noshit
"Ist Zeit nur eine Illusion? Die Magie des Kosmos (1/4) | Doku HD Reupload | #ARTE"
Alt. link.:
#wasistzeit? 🤣🤣🤣
#noshit 🤭
#noshit #wasistzeit #arte #zeit #universum #kosmos
"Some of America’s most prominent companies, including Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Disney, are backing business groups that are fighting landmark climate legislation, despite their own promises to combat the climate crisis"
@ThatLARRYSHOW Brother, I'm lovin' your work.
Going back to the beginning
Christmas Survival ... #noshit
New Years w/ the Mob is BRILLIANT.
Brought back memories.
I miss Times Square from the Seventies. Used to go to the arcade and play air hockey and pin-ball to smells of Coney Island nuts and the sounds of Gotham Riff Raff.
Good times ...