The "enemy" was pretty obvious without specifically stating who it was to allow them to show it world wide.
The air training and combat was edge of your seat exciting.
It was what you'd expect from Top Gun. The plot was a bit thin and Jennifer Connelly as the "Love Interest" was good enough for me.
All in all I give it a 7 out of 10. Probably would have been more intense on the big screen but good enough on my living room TV.
#nospoilerreview #TopGunMaverick
Finally got around to watching Top Gun: Maverick. Here's my no spoiler review.
I had heard it was good. I heard correctly. It's Top Gun. Lots of fast planes and cocky fighter pilots. That's a given.
Tom Cruise showed real emotional depth and Miles Teller as Rooster channeled his inner Goose so well that at moments I thought I was seeing Anthony Edwards. They even came up with a heart wrenching way to bring back Val Kilmer as Iceman.
#nospoilerreview #TopGunMaverick