Die Aufgabe macht mir aktuell jeden Tag Probleme.
Weil nichts Spaß macht.
#nospoonsleft #notjustsad #depressionen
Mal gucken, ob es meine Gelenke wirklich entlastet und die Schmerzen reduziert.
#nospoonsleft #Hilfsmittel #accebilitygadget
If my office PC doesn’t boot up in time for me to record some stuff before my office colleague comes back from class, I am going to cry and scream. Ten minutes and waiting… #notinthemood #nospoonsleft
I am two days into a back to back two weeks of teaching history to my students. Normally I just teach English.
My head is like a washing machine 😂😂
I love getting back to history teaching. But heck it is hard!
While I am enjoying it, I can feel my mental health and PTSD taking a wobble. Because of the time constraint I can't get to the gym and it's very much my therapy. I need to do some adjustments.
#Exhausted #Today #NoSpoonsLeft #PTSD #MentalHealth #Teaching
#exhausted #today #nospoonsleft #ptsd #mentalhealth #teaching
Do a bit
Do another bit
Collapse again
Repeat until incapable
My body effing hates me.
First time traveling with mobility aid (rollator, flying). That sucked monkey butt. I think it’ll be better in the future now that I understand the process. But damn. I can also see how exponentially worse it would be if I were wheelchair bound or more dependent on my rollator. (I have POTS so it’s not for as much constant structural support as many people need.) #disabledTravel #spoonieTravel #noSpoonsLeft
#disabledtravel #spoonietravel #nospoonsleft