"Drug abuse continues to ravage lives and communities. It's a complex issue that demands our attention and compassion. We need comprehensive drug prevention programs that prioritize education, early intervention, and accessible treatment options. Let's fight stigma, provide support to those struggling with addiction, and promote a society that prioritizes mental health. #DrugAbuse #PreventionMatters"
"Addiction knows no boundaries and affects people of all backgrounds. It's time to address the root causes of drug abuse, such as trauma, social inequality, and lack of resources. We must invest in rehabilitation and recovery services, ensuring that no one is left behind. #RecoveryMatters #NoStigma"
"The opioid crisis has reached devastating proportions, claiming countless lives. It's a national emergency that demands urgent action. We need stricter regulations on prescription drugs, increased access to naloxone, and expanded support for addiction treatment and harm reduction programs. #OpioidCrisis #SaveLives"
"Drug abuse not only harms individuals but also strains our healthcare system and contributes to criminal activity. Let's shift our focus towards a public health approach, emphasizing prevention, harm reduction, and support services. Together, we can break the cycle of addiction and build healthier communities. #PublicHealth #BreakTheCycle"
"We must recognize that addiction is a disease, not a moral failing. It's time to offer compassion and understanding to those battling substance use disorders. Let's advocate for better insurance coverage for addiction treatment and destigmatize seeking help. Recovery is possible. #AddictionIsADisease #SupportRecovery"
"The consequences of drug abuse ripple through families, schools, and workplaces. We need to foster a supportive environment that encourages open dialogue, early intervention, and access to evidence-based prevention programs. Let's work together to protect our loved ones and build a drug-free future.
#drugabuse #preventionmatters #recoverymatters #nostigma #opioidcrisis #savelives #publichealth #breakthecycle #addictionisadisease #supportrecovery
È molto importante abbattere lo stigma ingiusto. Si cura il corpo e si curano mente e umore.
#stopstigma #nostigma #bastastigma #stigma
#stopstigma #nostigma #bastastigma #stigma
I'm not a royal watcher, but I am an avid #Colbert fan.
Anyway, what #PrinceHarry says about #trauma, #recovery, and going #NoContact with family rings true to me. I feel seen, and didn't expect that from someone like him.
"I want this to stop with me."
I feel like that is my role in my family, up to and including not having children. 🛑
I get what he's doing now, and I applaud him. (Sings, "This little light of mine ..."🕯)
#cptsd #mentalhealth #nostigma #nocontact #recovery #trauma #princeharry #colbert
New #MentalHealth serial #Documentary #film on YouTube (that includes a close friend shining their light like a beacon!):
The more we talk about these things, the more we realize that we're all dealing with something. Be kind, y'all.
#NoStigma ✊
#MH #anxiety #bipolar #depression #PTSD #CPTSD #MentalWellness #SelfCare #BeTheLight 🕯
#BeTheLight #selfcare #mentalwellness #cptsd #ptsd #depression #bipolar #anxiety #mh #nostigma #film #documentary #mentalhealth
TIL an old friend, Gavin -- a #Scottish #Highlander who looks every bit like a giant -- is refusing medical & mental heath care, has alienated himself from family and friends (he pushed me away years ago), and is now unhoused. His father died, his brother died, he divorced his wife & won't speak to his kids. He's in Lilburn, GA, USA.
If you are able, please send him love and prayers and all of the good vibes you can muster. TYVM #Bipolar #NoStigma #MentalHealth #Unhoused
#Unhoused #mentalhealth #nostigma #bipolar #highlander #scottish
RT @NaomiConnor5@twitter.com
Unanimous decision by Supreme Court on Safe Access Zones in (NI) proposed by Claire Bailey. It is within the remit of the (NI) Assembly . Women & Pregnant People deserve no less in accessing abortion healthcare. #nostigma #noshame
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NaomiConnor5/status/1600431794104389633
RT @NaomiConnor5@twitter.com
Unanimous decision by Supreme Court on Safe Access Zones in (NI) proposed by Claire Bailey. It is within the remit of the (NI) Assembly . Women & Pregnant People deserve no less in accessing abortion healthcare. #nostigma #noshame
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NaomiConnor5/status/1600431794104389633
Parlare di "medicalizzazione" in riferimento alla psicoterapia, reagire con "Perché dovrei? Mica sto così male" significa non capire niente di come funziona e letteralmente fare parte dello stigma.
Non si va in terapia perché si sta male, non solo. È una pratica che servirebbe a chiunque, anche solo per relazionarsi in modo più sano, dopo tutta la robaccia che ingolliamo a casa e in società sin da piccolə.
Sentirsi attaccatə/giudicatə/a disagio perché qualcunə ve la consiglia fa parte del pregiudizio che tanto cerchiamo di smantellare, lo stesso che classifica come "pazzə" chi ci va, in armonia con l'opinione pubblica bigotta che tanto vorremmo smantellare.
Sì, è lo stesso stigma.
Anche basta.
The depression project.
"Non mi piace la retorica dell'eroe che combatte contro la malattia fisica, ma mi piace ancora meno lo stigma del debole che affronta la malattia mentale.
Nessuno sceglie di soffrire.
La Salute è un diritto di tutti ♥️"
"Minimizzare il dolore psicologico lo complica e basta.
Se qualcuno ti dice di stare male, Ascolta, semplicemente."