#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #brèves #actualité #nostradamus #prophéties
Abonnez-vous !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #breves #actualite #nostradamus #propheties
#nostradamus was one of my childhood heros (yeahyeahyeah shutup)
remembered that i wanted to read at that time about his publication
"The true prophecies or prognostications of Michael Nostradamus"
Cannot remember exactly at which time i started looking at least Internet existed already. No luck on getting it - So i gave up.
September 4, 2022 #Guttenberg releases a English translation from 1962
enjoy :ablobfoxbongo:
#nostradamus #Guttenberg #books
Primera estación del metro de Bogotá.
Las cuartetas de #Nostradamus: una sorprendente predicción sobre Adolf Hitler #nazismo #profecia https://amatukami.blogspot.com/2023/07/las-cuartetas-de-nostradamus-una.html
#nostradamus #nazismo #profecia
#Incredible: #Nostradamus' Quatrain: A Surprising Prediction on Adolf Hitler #nazism #prophecy https://wakonda666.blogspot.com/2023/07/nostradamus-quatrain-surprising.html
#incredible #nostradamus #nazism #prophecy
// The predictions of #Nostradamus : https://youtu.be/cO9R7-ZOcs4
#video #history #repost #nostradamus
hahaa #vaalit2023 spekulaatiota! klo 21:12!
Kok tulee saamaan lisäosuutta, samoin sdp.
Ps täysi mysteeri. voi olla että ääniosuus on about tuo.
Kesk tulee tippumaan lisää koska ne tippuu aina ku suurten kaupunkien tulokset tulee, ja vihreät tulee saamaan jkv lisää samasta syystä mutta eos paljonko. vähän?
eli Kok saa vahvan mandaatin tehdä hallitus, ja he kehtaa = uskaltaa ottaa sdp ja vihr mukaan koska voivat ottaa itselleen niin monta ministerinpaikkaa. rkp tietty messiin.
Skeptoid #66: The Greatest Secret of Nostradamus by Brian Dunning #nostradamus #prophecy #revelation #micheldenostredame #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot Virtually nothing that pop culture tells us about Nostradamus is true.
#nostradamus #prophecy #revelation #micheldenostredame #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
Wirklich prophetisch, dass #Nostradamus damals schon wusste, dass dieser Beitrag heute gesendet wird. 😏
Ich stelle mir gerade vor, wie Querulanten im Jahr 2523 die Schlagzeilen des @Der_Postillon entdecken und daraus ihre alternative Vergangenheit zusammen phantasieren. #nostradamus
@Structure7780 @atomicpoet another crypto monkey kind of thing. #nostradamus
#Nostradamus was one of 3 #JudasPriest albums I never listened to (the other 2 are from the Ripper era).
I barely heard anything positive about this album, which was also the main reason why I neglected it for so long. Today I gave it a spin.
Yes, it is not a typical Priest album and there are barely any single-worthy bangers on it.
But: it is a great concept album, a metal-opera if you will.
I liked it a lot and enjoyed listening to it.
If you've been worried about a possible #future where we eat #insects (which, sidenote, are actually pretty damn good), fear not! #Nostradamus is here to put things in perspective for 2023 with his familiar brand of predictions that are 100% true, crystal clear, and never wrong.
"So high will the bushel of wheat rise, that man will be eating his fellow man."
So get your knife and fork ready, because it's obviously cannibalism-o'clock!
#future #insects #nostradamus #prophecies #skepticism #criticalthinking #sarcasm
Ma prédiction 2023 pour les prix du pétrole et du gaz: ça peut monter très haut comme aller assez bas...
#Nostradamus 😎
RT @gerardreid14@twitter.com
A good summary of what can happen with #energyprices in 2023 in what will be a volatile and unpredictable year for #oil and #naturalgas prices
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/gerardreid14/status/1611284238942277635
#nostradamus #energyprices #oil #naturalgas