#StopOverworking #beforeavacation and #afteravacation
#workplace #productivity #nostress #relax #enjoy #beorganized
Source : #HarvardBusinessReview
#harvardbusinessreview #beorganized #enjoy #relax #nostress #Productivity #workplace #afteravacation #beforeavacation #stopoverworking
dopíjam kávu, odcvičím chrbát, prejdem sa po terase a pôjdem spať.. taký je plán #nostress #dobréRáno
#adoroilgenio #14agosto #vacanze #ferie #NoStress #NoPressure #Mare #piscina #tuffi #bagno
#buonevacanze #Ferragosto #buonferragosto #meme #vignette #cartoons #fumetti
#adoroilgenio #14agosto #vacanze #ferie #nostress #nopressure #mare #piscina #tuffi #bagno #buonevacanze #ferragosto #BuonFerragosto #meme #vignette #cartoons #fumetti
That's even more dumb than your original toot.
I don't want to Block you.
I'm just pointing out that you have some confirmation bias about Florida that is rather toxic.
Other than that, I enjoy your account. Hey, I have confirmation biases myself, but I do try to own them and adjust.
It's human. But you can certainly do better than that hateful post that essentially blames Floridians for their largely government-imposed lot in life.
"His own citizens".
Enfin, last but not least, ne vous cassez pas trop la tête sur votre choix de serveur. Les serveurs se parlent entre eux.
Et si vous voulez plus tard changer de serveur, c’est tout à fait possible en gardant vos followers et vos contacts.
La règle number one c’est #nostress
Warten auf den Pizzateig. Heute mal ganz ruhig im Garten. #NoStress #Strohwittwer #QualityTimeWithLittleMonsters
#nostress #strohwittwer #qualitytimewithlittlemonsters
Game 60: Richard Scarry's Busiest Neighborhood Disc Ever (1994), by Activision.
Educational program for children about the dangers of stress and overly high work pressure.
You see, everyone in Busytown is always busy. So busy, in fact, that in my short visit to the town I was witness to multiple workplace and road accidents.
Of course there was no gore or screaming but hopefully it teaches kids the importance of taking breaks and watching out for each other.
#nostress #safety #retrogaming
#Godetevi il #ponte, se avete la #fortuna di farlo. 🍾🥂
E non #dimenticate che la #vita vera è questa, non quella che avete fatto da #LunedìMattina a due minuti fa 😉😎
#Pensate un po' anche a voi stessi ❤️
#Riappropriatevi del vostro #tempo e della vostra #libertà ❤️
#godetevi #ponte #fortuna #dimenticate #vita #lunedimattina #pensate #riappropriatevi #tempo #liberta #lavoro #ferie #vacanza #nostress #pace
Just sayin’. I’m just gonna leave this here. #OldGuysRule #Retirement #NoStress
#oldguysrule #retirement #nostress
We have not seen Leo since August 2019. He went back to #Senegal during #Covid. We didn’t see him in December 2022 or January when we were here last. He made a lovely #sand #art #picture for her back then and was happy to give my daughter a lovely ornate purse as a present and show us his own family pictures on his phone.
#CaboVerde #CapeVerde #KapVert #Sal #SantaMaria #NoStress #GoodFriends #Shop #Souvenir #Travel
#senegal #covid #sand #art #picture #CaboVerde #capeverde #kapvert #sal #santamaria #nostress #goodfriends #shop #souvenir #travel
The delights of a #cold #beer in the afternoon #sun. A large #Strela, local #brew of the #Cabo #Verde islands. Sitting at the #Quiosque #Óla #Brazil overlooking the #sea, #beach and island of #Boa #Vista.
#CaboVerde #CapeVerde #KapVert #Sal #SantaMaria #NoStress #Travel
#cold #beer #sun #strela #brew #cabo #verde #quiosque #ola #brazil #sea #beach #boa #VISTA #CaboVerde #capeverde #kapvert #sal #santamaria #nostress #travel
We have not seen Leo since August 2019. He went back to #Senegal during #Covid. We didn’t see him in December 2022 or January when we were here last. He made a lovely #sand #art #picture for her back then and was happy to give my daughter a lovely ornate purse as a present and show us his own family pictures on his phone.
#CaboVerde #CapeVerde #KapVert #Sal #SantaMaria #NoStress #GoodFriends #Shop #Souvenir
#senegal #covid #sand #art #picture #CaboVerde #capeverde #kapvert #sal #santamaria #nostress #goodfriends #shop #souvenir
The delights of a #cold #beer in the afternoon #sun. A large #Strela, local #brew of the #Cabo #Verde islands. Sitting at the #Quiosque #Óla #Brazil overlooking the #sea, #beach and island of #Boa #Vista.
#cold #beer #sun #strela #brew #cabo #verde #quiosque #ola #brazil #sea #beach #boa #VISTA #CaboVerde #capeverde #kapvert #sal #santamaria #nostress
Cosy breakfast 🥐✅
First ski tour of the season 🎿✅
Yoga during last sun rays of the day in the winter garden 🧘♀️✅
To do:
Hot shower 🚿
Coffee and cookies ☕️🍪
Finishing presentation for a project 👩💻
Delicious dinner 🍽️
What's your Saturday like?
#HappySaturday #weekend #nostress
Ich vermisse diese Insel einfach... 😐
Wer hätte gedacht, dass "nichts" so unfassbar schön sein kann?!
#beachphotography #islandphotography #nikonphotography #KapVerdenSal #Nostress
#nostress #kapverdensal #nikonphotography #islandphotography #beachphotography
Guten Morgen ihr Spacken!
Erster Arbeitstag für 2023, Ich lasse es mal ruhig angehen. #nostress
Hier noch ein Buchtipp:
#Kreideherz hab ich gestern zu Ende gelesen. Es geht um die 80er, die erste Liebe, endlose Partys und Musik aus den 80er.
Schön nochmal in diese unbeschwerte Zeiten einzutauchen.
Ci sono persone, le povere, che quando escono di casa hanno bisogno di fare mente locale. Potrebbero figli, mariti, mogli, fidanzate e fidanzati, fratelli, sorelle e genitori per favore, lasciarli sobollire da soli nel loro vuoto pneumatico, senza far loro fretta, per preparsi con la dovuta calma ad affrontare quel traumatico rito di passaggio? Affrontare il mondo. —Nonni omessi perché tendenzialmente si affiancano alle persone di cui sopra. #nostress
I forgot the 🧅 in the stuffing. In keeping with my no stress 🎄, it will be FINE.
#nostress #christmas #christmasdinner
🐔 Fräulein Ute 🐔
Auf dem Blech, da liegt die Pute,
ihr Name ist Fräulein Ute!
Mit Beifuß gründlich eingerieben,
so kann man sie in' Ofen schieben,
dort wird ihr langsam sehr schön warm,
entnommen wurden Milz & Darm,
übergossen mit würzigem Sud,
so schmeckt sie nachher richtig gut!
Fräulein Ute lässt sich nicht mehr stressen:
"Ich werde heut Abend eh gegessen!"
#machteswiefrauleinute #nostress #froheweihnachten