Liz · @lizmeyer
156 followers · 1782 posts · Server

Good morning folks. Does anyone have any contacts at ? I can’t get them to reply to emails.

#nosupport #decodedbags

Last updated 1 year ago

stephie · @stephie
170 followers · 93 posts · Server

Not a word of support from Keir Starmer on day of mass strikes.

‘Labour’ leader finds time to tweet inanity, but not to support millions fighting for their families and class.

#keirstarmer #labourparty #dayofstrikes #nosupport #classtraitor

Last updated 2 years ago

Allinrep · @Allinrep
86 followers · 975 posts · Server

Dagens höjdpunkt måste väl ändå vara när jag ska göra en felanmälan på en funktion i det som är mitt "moderprogram" men det inte går för det är fel på den delen av programmet där man gör felanmälan

#nosupport #superuser

Last updated 2 years ago

Had a request from someone with an Instagram account that got hacked recently. It was the usual method with a friend sending a message about help to recover login and then need a link from Instagram forwarded as proof that the two are really friends.

It seems like Meta has gone through a lot of loops in order to make sure to deliver no support to its customers.

There IS a nice help page ( about being hacked or how to recover your account, but it mostly just goes around in loops between the same 2–3 pages of info but no real solutions.
They have added some method for people with pictures of themselves to recover the account by taking a new selfie and share it in the recovery process. For most Instagram shops this is not useful as they have pictures of products or "showcases" but not of the account owner (often some SoMe employee).
If in fact the user has a picture of themself posted on the account, then they are still out of luck if the hacker is just marginally smart (or read the "how to hack insta" manual that floats around the dark web). In that case the hacker has turned on 2FA on the account after taking it over. This is clever because Instagram recovery process still require you to fill in 2FA code during account recovery (the "picture of yourself" method). How dumb is that, when they start by sending a recovery number to the original address/number from the account + check that you know the previous password.

Have a missed a method in the support pages? Any solution besides knowing someone that knows someone on the inside that can help? (If you are such a person and willing to help with a single account recovery, then ping me)

#meta #instagram #nosupport #hackedaccounts #frustration #suethesuckers

Last updated 2 years ago

Tommi Laukkanen · @tlaukkanen
48 followers · 12 posts · Server

Designed a case for my Picomoro, Pomodoro timer powered by RPi Pico. As you can see, I'm in the team for 3D prints - overhangs for the win :blobcatgrimacing:

#nosupport #raspberrypi #circuitpython #3dprinting

Last updated 2 years ago

Tomi the Slav and 1024 others · @po3mah
130 followers · 312 posts · Server
Pam · @thepamcakez
60 followers · 76 posts · Server

So, as autistic burnout continues to climb at an ever increasing rate and the company continues to implement abrupt hurtful (for the employee) change after abrupt hurtful change I might get fired this week…
again - any kind of donations would be greatly appreciated. As well as job postings/hunting advice since I’m still searching and applying and coming up empty. Thanks guys.

#toxicemployer #ndandemployed #nosupport #inaccessiblesupport #AuDHD #autisticburnout #struggleisreal #MutualAidRequest #hiremeplease

Last updated 2 years ago

Joe Clemens [Texas] · @Jclem2000
36 followers · 788 posts · Server

@adam Their alternate (self proclaimed preferred method) of using one of their purchased devices also fails with "problem connecting to server"

#apple #nosupport

Last updated 3 years ago

Boiling Steam · @boilingsteam
2991 followers · 7723 posts · Server
Survive The News · @survivethenews
112 followers · 494 posts · Server