ja fossiiliväkihän panee hanttiin.
vähän eri ajatus ehkä täss
mutt #NoSympathy on melko lailla mitä mä aattelen fossiiliväestä, etenkin siit ylätason porukasta. ei riitä sympatiaa.
he olis voinut tehdä toisenlaisia uravalintoja. mäkin tein. maybe sinäkin.
@hack13 This is Microsoft. I would be lying if I'd say "That comes unexpected".
People which rely on this Company deserve to be angry and suffer.
@TwistedEagle His first mistake was relying on selling horse piss to feed his family. He should have found another job a long time ago. #nosympathy
I see Mitch McConnell fell, and is in the hospital. Good. I wish him painful, lingering complications that prevent him from ever going back to work.
If he dies, he dies.
Fuck Mitch McConnell. 🐢