#NotCovid is an illness in which you test negative for COVID-19, but you remain inconveniently sick for longer, feeling worse than you usually do with flu or cold. After weeks or months, you may even get diagnosed with some big thing, like a blood clot in your lung. You may get really, really tired every time you perform a supposed routine task, like taking a shower.
More and more people are missing work due to NotCovid.
In many people, this new condition, NotCovid, has a common cause...
#COVID has killed more people than any modern concern we have. Yet we're trying to move on.
It is evolving so fast that in 3 years time it is closing in on full immune escape, yet we are acting like it's the flu which has a new strain that causes small epidemics every handful of years.
We get infected every few months by #SarsCov2 but we act like it's no big deal & diagnose ourselves with #NotCovid
We are drowning in disability, chronic illness & premature death.
#covid #SarsCoV2 #notCovid #CovidIsNotOver
This week I learned the lesson to not #PeerReview papers while heavily medicated for fever related to a #NOTCOVID respiratory #infection. I had to revise one of last week's reviews because I had missed major parts of a paper when I read it the first time.
I share this as a reminder for others to help maintain their #AcademicIntegrity. Are you in a state where you should be reviewing papers? Should you just take a #SickDay? Should you #StayTheFHome?
#peerreview #notCovid #infection #academicintegrity #sickday #StayTheFHome #flu #cold
World AIDS Day 2022
"The global HIV response is in danger, even as HIV remains a major public health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Over the last few years progress towards HIV goals has stalled, resources have shrunk, and millions of lives are at risk as a result.
Division, disparity and disregard for human rights are among the failures that allowed HIV to become and remain a global health crisis."
#WorldAIDSDay #hiv #pandemic #notCovid
Good news and bad news! Good news is I tested negative for covid and the flu (woo). Bad news is that I have no voice at all, and can't hear out of my right hear because of the fluid.
Now I need to figure out how to best continue to pester my extended family with no voice and half my hearing. Gotta do my duty as the #littleSister obvs
#littlesister #homesick #notCovid
"As I was walking all alane,
I heard twa corbies making a mane; The tane unto the t’other say, ‘Where sall we gang and dine to-day?’
In behint yon auld fail dyke,
I wot there lies a new-slain knight; And naebody kens that he lies there, But his hawk, his hound, and his lady fair."
I saw a couple of crows this morning, making a hostile takeover of the local magpies' tree, so I thought I'd post this.
#CreativeToots #MastoArt #FediArt #Nature #Crows #Corvid #NotCovid #PenAndInk #BlackAndWhite
#BlackAndWhite #penandink #notCovid #corvid #crows #nature #fediart #MastoArt #CreativeToots
Running a 100.2 fever, and I had to refuse my partner coming over to cuddle me because annoyingly, I dont want to open up another vector for contagion spread.
Sometime being ill is an odyssey. I’ve lost a grip on time, gotten confused between dreams and reality, and feel far far from home with only an intrepid pug as my companion in a rubber boat, despite having been in my house for days. Every time I close my eyes or hear an email notification it feels like suddenly coming upon a rocky reef that will tear my little dinghy to pieces.
#NotCovid #ill #freelance #theatre #AdjunctAcademia
#adjunctacademia #theatre #freelance #ill #notCovid
Canceling the stream for tonight. 😞 Was really sick yesterday and had to miss work. Having to catch up from all that is going to put me in a terrible mood and exhaust me.
Sorry! We’ll sit on the Bandas Grove copies and give them our next week!