FLORIDA | #Rebekah_Jones, Former #STATE #COVID_19 #DATA_MANAGER, #sues #FDLE over #RAID on her Home | Former #Department of #Health data manager Rebekah Jones has filed a #lawsuit against the #Florida_Department of #Law_Enforcement, saying the Dec. 7 morning raid on her house was a "#sham" to #retaliate against her for #not_altering COVID-19 data.
Jones was #fired in #May and soon #launched her own #online_data_dashboard. Gov. #RON_DESANTIS said her firing was because she #Disobeyed_Superiors; she said it was because she #WOULDNT #ALTER_DATA to #Cast Florida in a more #favorable_light to #justify the #Governor's plans to #Reopen the #State's_Economy.
In the lawsuit filed Sunday night against FDLE #Commissioner #Rick_Swearingen, the department and several agents in #Leon_County Circuit #Civil_Court, Jones claims her #constitutional_rights were #violated, including against #Unlawful Search and Seizure (4th Admendment). She is #seeking in excess of $100,000, according to the lawsuit's cover sheet.
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#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Rebekah_Jones #state #Covid_19 #Data_Manager #Sues #FDLE #raid #department #health #lawsuit #Florida_Department #Law_Enforcement #sham #retaliate #not_altering #fired #may #launched #online_data_dashboard #Ron_DeSantis #Disobeyed_Superiors #WOULDNT #ALTER_DATA #Cast #favorable_light #justify #governor #ReOpen #Commissioner #Rick_Swearingen #Leon_County #Civil_Court #constitutional_rights #VIOLATED #unlawful #seeking
#BIG_GOV | Memory Lane | FLORIDA | #Rebekah_Jones, Former #STATE #COVID_19 #DATA_MANAGER, #sues #FDLE over #RAID on her Home
Former #Department of #Health data manager Rebekah Jones has filed a #lawsuit against the #Florida_Department of #Law_Enforcement, saying the Dec. 7 morning raid on her house was a "#sham" to #retaliate against her for #not_altering COVID-19 data.
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#not_altering #retaliate #sham #Law_Enforcement #Florida_Department #lawsuit #health #department #raid #FDLE #Sues #Data_Manager #Covid_19 #state #Rebekah_Jones #BIG_GOV