@carryonrtw @Akiko all those are excellent -- just wanted to pitch in that this #notable app also works very well and takes #markdown #notes: https://notable.app/
#notable : capable of being noted
- French: Notable
- German: bemerkenswert
- Italian: notabile
- Portuguese: notável
- Spanish: notable
Join our new subreddit for language learners @ https://reddit.com/r/LearnANewLanguage
Buried lede alert: Ducks are Awful https://www.davideriknelson.com/sbsb/index.php/2023/07/buried-lede-alert/
#wtf #notable #itemsofinterest #ducks #crows #birds
Popular/famous/notable Mastodon accounts. #popular #famous #notable https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cpUKkoT1MUn8_xM4usiERn-IdEuh0hXfBrwbbThwGiI/edit#gid=1111869705
#notable : capable of being noted
- French: Notable
- German: bemerkenswert
- Italian: notabile
- Portuguese: notável
- Spanish: notable
Join our new subreddit for language learners @ https://reddit.com/r/LearnANewLanguage
FYI: one of the most common medications taken (levothyroxine) has significant interactions with virtually everything but water, and interactions with some common medications. as a result, lots of patients take risks they don’t know they’re taking.
I've been putting my annual leave to good use, building out families who married into my broader tree. This week I added my Great Uncle Bob's in-laws, only to learn they were influential in the early Australian Labor Party in Victoria. So very interesting! I feel another #notable profile coming on, #wikitree and #findagrave.
#geneadons, do you have extra research time this Christmas/New Year?
#notable #wikitree #findagrave #geneadons
#Fedora #Linux fungerar så bra på min gamla #Toshiba #Chromebook att jag nog vågar ta med den som enda dator på min resa i morgon. Det enda jag egentligen behöver är en webbläsare, #Synology Drive och #Notable (https://notable.app). Klart imponerad av #GNOME också.
Får väl se om jag ångrar mig.
#fedora #linux #toshiba #chromebook #synology #notable #gnome
It's not easy to track every #journalist banned by #ElonMusk, or visible on #Mastodon. So here's a list of some lists:
#ProPublica reporters
#Journalists suspended by Elon
Way more journalists:
And finally, the Mastodon equivalent of a #BlueCheckmark
Journalist verification for Mastodon:
#Notable account verification:
#notable #bluecheckmark #journalists #propublica #Mastodon #ElonMusk #journalist
So, apparently I’m still “verified” on Twitter but may or may not be “notable”.
Sounds about right.
Notable, app de notas basada en Markdown
Notable es una aplicación de notas basada en Markdown (es un lenguaje de marcado ligero creado por John Gruber y Aaron Swartz que trata de conseguir la máxima legibilidad y facilidad de publicación tanto en su forma de entrada como de salida) de código abierto, compatible con Linux, macOS y Windows.
#notable #markdown #notes #linux #macos #windows
#notable : capable of being noted
- French: Notable
- German: bemerkenswert
- Italian: notabile
- Portuguese: notável
- Spanish: notable
Join our new subreddit for language learners @ https://reddit.com/r/LearnANewLanguage
Buscando alternativa a #tomboy notes, un proyecto de #gnome para almacenamiento de notas (que no se actualiza desde 2017), he encontrado por #github una app llamada #notable que utiliza #markdown y es una auténtica maravilla por lo que te ofrece. Además visualmente es realmente bonita por lo minimalista y sencilla que se ve. Junto a ello está posibilidad de organizar por tags las notas que crees o ya tengas, consiguiendo una organización muy buena. Aparte es #opensource y lo tenéis disponible aquí: https://github.com/notable/notable en su última versión estable. Si buscáis alguna aplicación de este tipo, #notable es una muy buena opción y alternativa a #Keep #Evernote #Simplenote
#tomboy #gnome #github #notable #markdown #opensource #keep #evernote #simplenote
https://cryptpad.fr/code is a nice place to write notes, that you might want to share with others 😄
For my personal notes, I usually use #Notable, and store the files in #NextCloud.
#CryptPad #notes #OpenSource #Nextcloud #notable
@trashheap @hypolite Ideed, the Right Thing To Do™ is do handle everything according to the guidelines and not picking up topics, like nazis or lefties or specific colored flowers.
These articles shall be deleted not because they are about nazis but because they are generally not #notable. Or of they are, they should be kept, regardless of the #nazis.
@lj_writes@fandom.ink Joplin is much more than todo lists. Already tried. #Notable (https://notable.md) wins.
Hello @ubuntufrorg :)
Il y a le logiciel #Notable qui m'intéresse mais je vois qu'il n'a pas de #repo ( https://github.com/notable/notable/releases/tag/v1.4.0 ). Par contre je vois qu'il y a un fichier #snap . Est-ce que les #snap gère bien voir mieux les dépendances que les #deb ? Parce que je n'ai pas envie d'avoir des problèmes de dépendances... Je vous remercie =)
cc @UbuntuFR @omgubuntu #ubuntu #debian #linux #paquet #libre
#notable #repo #snap #deb #ubuntu #debian #linux #paquet #libre