The Skeptics Guide #938 - Jul 1 2023 - THE SKEPTICS' GUIDE TO THE UNIVERSE - What's The Word: Decussate; News Items: Ripples in Spacetime, Mars Simulation, Multimillion Dollar Psychic Scam, Who Is Most Susceptible to Misinformation, Malaria in Florida; Your Questions and E-mails: Existential Dread #SGU #SkepticsGuide #NowPlaying #podcasts #ScientificSkepticism #ScienceBasedSkepticism #ScienceOrFiction #WhosThatNoisy #NotACon #WhatsTheWord #malaria #misinformation #mars #spacetime #PsychicScam
#psychicscam #spacetime #mars #misinformation #malaria #WhatsTheWord #notacon #whosthatnoisy #scienceorfiction #sciencebasedskepticism #scientificskepticism #podcasts #nowplaying #skepticsguide #sgu
The Skeptics Guide #937: 07-24-23 - THE SKEPTICS' GUIDE TO THE UNIVERSE - News Items: Neuroforecasting, Coastal Erosion, Milky Way's Supermassive Blackhole, Aliens in Vegas, Alcohol Use Disorder; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Latitude and Daylight, Debating RFK Jr.; Science or Fiction - #SGU #SkepticsGuide #NowPlaying #podcasts #ScientificSkepticism #ScienceBasedSkepticism #MilkyWay #AlcoholUse #ScienceOrFiction #WhosThatNoisy #blackholes #Aliens #NotACon
#notacon #aliens #blackholes #whosthatnoisy #scienceorfiction #alcoholuse #milkyway #sciencebasedskepticism #scientificskepticism #podcasts #nowplaying #skepticsguide #sgu
#FlashBackFriday at Notacon 2010 we joined the Security Justice Podcast to learn better how to survive the zombie apocalypse. #FBF
At that time, we may have forgotten the most important lesson - proper hand washing, a skill we should continue to be practicing going forward!
#zombie #zombies #undead #ZombieApocalypse #Notacon #TechConference #TechCon #SecurityJustice #improv #improvisation #theater
#flashbackfriday #fbf #zombie #zombies #undead #zombieapocalypse #notacon #techconference #techcon #securityjustice #improv #improvisation #theater
#ThrowBackThursday to the premiere of our TARDIS during our first "Doctor Who" parody play at Notacon 2009! #TBT
This scenery prop was lost in time & space (misplaced after a 2017 move) but rematerialized (found at the last possible second) for our shows at Cleveland ConCoction last month!
#DoctorWho #Dalek #TARDIS #parody #CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #Notacon
#throwbackthursday #tbt #doctorwho #dalek #tardis #parody #commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #notacon