Friendly reminder: It's easy to forget there are many more people in the world that write code and are *not developers* than there are professional software developers. Scientists, journalists, lawyers, activists, med. doctors, writers, educators, artists, designers, and many others, can create computer programs!
This paper from 2012 shows an 2005 estimate (for 2012) that there are almost 4x more people programming ("end user programmers") than professional programmers
#enduserprogramming #notadeveloper
The image is for the people in the back...
(from this wonderful blog post about #Python #packaging: #pypi #notadeveloper
#python #packaging #pypi #notadeveloper
#Jkitty and her new friend #Marvis watch on as I do some API work on my Mist lab. Bringing the whole Juniper #NetworkAutomation family together...
#JuniperChampion #JuniperAutomation #AIinAction #NotADeveloper #IHackUpOtherPeoplesCode
#jkitty #marvis #networkautomation #juniperchampion #juniperautomation #aiinaction #notadeveloper #ihackupotherpeoplescode
#IRecentlyGrumbled about struggling with the TreeView stuff but wait, TreeViews are deprecated as of #Gtk 4.10 so I tried to get my head around GListModel and ColumnView and I can report a small success as I have managed to create an example working.
#notadeveloper #python #gtk #irecentlygrumbled
I found myself in the 11th hour yesterday kludging together an #agate container using an alpine base image with glibc shoehorned in, because the precompiled agate binary doesn't run at all against musl c.
Now that it's a new day, I'm thinking about rolling up sleeves and learning how to use build containers to make a proper agate binary to run in a real #alpine base image to cut my image size in half.
I can figure it out, but a handy primer would be appreciated.🤗
#agate #alpine #notadeveloper #gemini