Maude Nificent · @maudenificent
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This has been a GREAT day; Senator Thorpe speaking up about how unsafe parliament house is for women (the whole bloody country, if you ask me)

Pauline Hanson saying if a woman has been assaulted they would go to police (wot f*ing planet is pauline from🙄) - let alone a First Nations woman thinking “that’s not nice I’m gonna tell a policeman on you” (wot f*ing planet is pauline from🙄)

Pauline interjects (politician speak for interrupts) to say Rubbish - Lidia finishes what she is saying then throws back “Fuck off, Pauline” - i wish i could vote for Lidia 10 times in the next election

i went looking for a news report of this story and the daily mail has a short clip of pauline complaining about being told where to go - so it’s effectively Pauline with angry face just saying “fuck off” in a loop - gives Read My Lips a whole new shine LOL

#auspol #LidiaThorpe #paulinehanson #notallmenbutfartoomanyfartoooftenandrarelycalledtoaccountbyothermenormisogynisticwomen

Last updated 1 year ago