#NotAnEndorsement #NotSponsored #NotFinancialAdvicee
I guess #LocalMonero doesn't fulfill your criteria for a #Monero exchange?
#monero #LocalMonero #notfinancialadvicee #notsponsored #notanendorsement
@tillianisafox none are safe.
Check the #rep of the #uploaders and choose wisely...
Good crews wOn't add #malware!
Also do exercice due diligence. #Crack|s & #Keygen|s do get #FUD & #FalseFlag by a lot of 3rd party #Scareware aka. #Antivirus.
#NotLegalAdvice and #NotAnEndorsement OFC but note that in several jurstictions, the author of the software gets the #Copyrights if you use #pirated #toolz in lieu of your #license payments!
#license #Toolz #pirated #copyrights #notanendorsement #notlegaladvice #antivirus #scareware #falseflag #fud #keygen #crack #Malware #uploaders #rep
@enno which means they can't hold them because that would mean accepting stolen funds...
Should've traded them quickly and bought some Monero to transfer instead... ^^
#notanendorsement #notlegaladvice #sarcasm
No siis noissa vehkeissä mitä nyt katselin, on kaikissa ihan fyysiset pyöriteltävät namiskuukkelit.
Hintahaarukkaan jää yhdellä mallilla jopa vähän tilaa :)
#NotAnAd and #NotAnEndorsement just a fekking link man.
Local cashies has two nGage items...
Who in my feed was collecting this?
#notanad #notanendorsement
@randyf They're the Chuck 70 Plus model A01389C_090, should still be available direct from Converse in 5 different styles #NotAnEndorsement
#NotAnEndorsement but so far "whalebird" client is faster than chrome while browsing/searching #mastodon