¿Nos vemos la semana que viene un ratejo en MadridJS para hablar de Platformatic, el backend #nobackend? https://meetup.com/es/madridjs/events/291051373/ 26 ene 2023 19:00 CET, os daré mi opinión honrada #notASponsor
Waiting for PDFs with little distress,
There's nothing much left,
but to retire after scrubbing one's teeth with Crest.
Veteran #C64 remix legend and all-around-nice-guy Chris Abbott joins the toot'iverse.
You might know Chris as the chap who did the "Back in Time" albums, put on the BiT events and a *lot* more. But did you know that he also convinced an entire symphonic orchestra to record a bunch of orchestrated chiptunes? It's true: https://c64audio.com/collections/8-bit-symphony
Go follow @c64audio right this instant. And purchase whatever albums you don't already own. You'll thank yourself later.
@matt Actual shirt I own...
#NotASponsor, #NotAffiliated: https://www.6dollarshirts.com/every-day-is-caturday
I finally got a frame and hung up the poster I bought months ago from #CarnivoreGirl over the top shelf of my #CarnivorousPlant rack.
"To think that plants ate insects would go against the order of nature as willed by God." -Carl Linnaeus
If you want one: http://www.thecarnivoregirl.com/product/carl-linnaeus-quote-limited-ed-print/
#carnivoregirl #carnivorousplant #notasponsor #notaffiliated #ilikeplantsmorethanpeople