(30 Aug) - Trump attacks Judge Chutkan on Truth Social and vows to “appeal“ trial date — which “is not a thing“ https://www.salon.com/2023/08/29/chutkan-on-truth-social-and-vows-to-appeal-trial-date--which-is-not-a-thing/ #TrumpAttacksJudgeChutkan #TruthSocial #AppealTrialDate #NotAThing #SalonNews #ChutkanOnTruthSocial #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110975646234175087
#news #politics #chutkanontruthsocial #salonnews #notathing #appealtrialdate #truthsocial #trumpattacksjudgechutkan
Trump attacks Judge Chutkan on Truth Social and vows to "appeal" trial date — which "is not a thing"
#TrumpAttacksJudgeChutkan #TruthSocial #AppealTrialDate #NotAThing #SalonNews #ChutkanOnTruthSocial #Politics #News
#trumpattacksjudgechutkan #truthsocial #appealtrialdate #notathing #salonnews #chutkanontruthsocial #politics #news
What is the #Fedi4
Does it even have a #Subconscious #Reality wot?
On #HowWeThink
assuming we do?
Hash tags #OurReality or #TimeLine
arrival points and #InterAction
2 #OtherMatters …
#Chaos is a harder path of #RewardingReturns
sew, scatter #OurSeeds and Wonder our #Ways
You have been on a road to #Incomprehension but #Coherence #OtherSenses and #WotsUp 2U
Welcome to the #Fediverse #UniverCity #NotAThing
:blobthanks: 4 de #TensionRelief
:thinkSpin: :fedi:
#fedi4 #subconscious #reality #IT #deepends #howwethink #ourreality #timeline #interaction #othermatters #chaos #rewardingreturns #ourseeds #ways #incomprehension #coherence #othersenses #wotsup #Fediverse #univercity #notathing #tensionrelief
Delicate plumes Wednesday #notathing but maybe little egrets would say otherwise.