@marcjenkins The speed of #NotationalVelocity and #NVAlt! It was breathtaking at the time. Nice, simple, minimal interface, to boot.
My note-making journey, as told in apps, from 2000 forward:
- Handwritten Notes
- #DevonThink
- #Evernote
- #NotationalVelocity
- #Yojimbo
- #KeepIt
- #OneNote
- #SimpleNote
- #Bear
- #GoodNotes
- #AppleNotes
- #RoamResearch
- #Obsidian
- #Tana
- #Obsidian (again)
- #Logseq
- #Obsidian and #Logseq
And those are just the tools I adopted for at least a month at a time.
#devonthink #evernote #notationalvelocity #yojimbo #keepit #onenote #simplenote #bear #goodnotes #applenotes #roamresearch #obsidian #tana #logseq
Reiterating my hopeless dream for someone to hack around #LiteXL so that it works and feels like #NotationalVelocity. I can’t get over how small its “keyboard-to-photon ratio” is.
I discovered @neil 's #FreeSoftwareAdvent and I like it.
I will chip in today with #Logesq.
A text editor collecting:
- texts (markdown #format @ThierryStoehr 😉)
- Journal
- Tasks and todos (in #OrgMode #format)
And you can also embed pdf and images.
I was looking for a #NotationalVelocity alternative on GNU/Linux, found something richer.
It has not NV's lightning speed, but so many features, a an encompassing Scrivener.
#notationalvelocity #orgmode #format #logesq #freesoftwareadvent
@roguefoam @nhan #OpenSource strategies paid off well for certain tools! I remember my #NVAlt days, when a #branch of #NotationalVelocity became more interesting than the parent.
I'm more concerned about tools that are fully funded by #VentureCapital. What happens when investors tire of waiting for profits? I know a lot of tools many people take for granted -- #Asana comes to mind -- that are in peril because they still haven't learned to turn a profit (and haven't had to).
#opensource #nvalt #branch #notationalvelocity #venturecapital #Asana