@cjntenn I am a #NOTAvoter, its what I did for the brexit census. I did this because it is my belief that that the democratic process is broken, the main reason for it is to take a censor of any given population. To see what elite messaging system is effective and where it is taking hold. The goal is to divide and conquer any given group of humans.
My question for you dear slave is, how many of the countries in the Schengen zone have predominantly Islamic population?
@aj @roundy Sir Rodger do we get a NONE OF THE ABOVE #NOTA vote coz you know #im a #NOTAvoter
Why waste your only opportunity to lodge a formal complaint with your gubbermint service? I consider my generational and patriotic duty to the #KoK
This is how I've voted in every election I could participate in, at least since I started becoming a producer of #TBPITU
#kok #tbpitu #noneoftheabove #notavoter