FUTURAMA GIF DETECTED, all presentations involving Futurama are necessarily the best #notBiased
Now entering: #saa23 #s401, Ethical Accessioning for access. Hope someone will be talking about institutional records! #NotBiased
@bibliothecar @stephestellar Just another reason that the Great Lakes are aptly named. #NotBiased #SeriouslyHowGoodIsTheLakeEffectThough
#notbiased #seriouslyhowgoodisthelakeeffectthough
I think Tunic should have won Best Debut Indie at the #GamerAwards. 🦊 #NotBiased
@tubularnebula IT'S SO GOODDDD #notbiased please read it, it's so fucked up and terrible and i love it so much
That bit of cheering aside I do apologize to Brewers fans for the behavior of Cubs fans making the trip, they are often The Worst. (Cubs fans already living here, ofc, are obviously The Best. #notbiased)