Colby Russell · @colby
73 followers · 385 posts · Server

@dave I disagree somewhat—what Spotify calls podcasts, for example, simply aren't podcasts, and they shouldn't call them that (and people shouldn't let them get away with it). Same goes for the video-uploaded-to-YouTube genre: they're .

ChatGPT's definition is so broad as to be almost meaningless. By the rubric laid out there, the video content that local news stations put online give them just as much standing to call *those* podcasts, too.

Nope. Pass.


Last updated 2 years ago

loukanikos · @loukanikos161
33 followers · 66 posts · Server

Me and some friends are trying to set up a to cover the area of - and surrounding villages. We don't have any money or resources to transmit via FM at the moment, but we started recoding some very podcasts which we call . We are very and we are learning as we do.

If you live around this area, and are interested in contributing, please reach out!

Follow us on @radiojavali

#communityradio #centralportugal #arganil #coja #benfeita #tabua #oliveiradehospital #DIY #notcasts #amateur

Last updated 2 years ago