..then there was this one time I drove away from my house with my personal laptop on the roof of the car... #notcool
Surprised/not surprised: “underestimated how much it would have to spend to cover claims, but still paid shareholders, including top executives who owned a significant percentage of the company, millions of dollars in dividends”
Florida let a top insurer abandon homeowners in their time of greatest need https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/08/04/how-florida-let-top-insurer-abandon-homeowners-their-time-greatest-need/
↨ #Emoji #Emojis #NewEmoji #NewEmojis
:verified0: :verified1: :verified2: :verified3: :verified4: :verified5: :verified6: :verified_cool_not: :verifiedautism: :verifiedavocado: :verifiedbike: :verifiedboya: :verifiedc64: :verifiedcat1: :verifiedcat2:
#Badge #Badges #Verification #Verified #VerificationBadge #VerificationBadges #VerifiedBadge #VerifiedBadges #NotCool #Autism #Avocado #Bike #Bicycle #Boya #Crocodile #Croc #Commodore64 #Cat #Cats
#cats #cat #commodore64 #croc #crocodile #boya #bicycle #bike #avocado #autism #notcool #verifiedbadges #verifiedbadge #verificationbadges #verificationbadge #verified #verification #badges #badge #NewEmojis #newemoji #emojis #emoji
The BBC are actually using their journos to voice Dominic Raab's statement verbatim. Literally a Tory mouthpiece.
#politics #torybullying #dominicraab #notcool
Nearly died on the way to work when a huntsman decided to wander across the INSIDE of the drivers side window.
F**ker nearly gave me a heart attack.
No insect spray on hand so I hope deodorant has the same effect.
#spider #driving #LivingInAustralia #Australia #HuntsmanSpider #NotCool #NearlyDied
#spider #driving #livinginaustralia #australia #huntsmanspider #notcool #nearlydied
Det er liksom ikke samme schwungen i å knipse sigarettsneipen lengre. Røykere, kutt det ut. #NotCool
#fail #NotCool //Schweitzer, a third-generation farmer and rancher, questioned why #JohnDeere would reach a private agreement and pointed to a provision that allows the company to pull out of the memorandum if any #RightToRepair legislation is enacted.
"If they truly, honestly wanted to give farmers and ranchers and independent repair shops the right to repair equipment, why are they so afraid of legislation that authorizes that?" he added.// [HT OO5] https://www.npr.org/2023/01/10/1147934682/john-deere-right-to-repair-farmers-tractors
#righttorepair #johndeere #notcool #fail
The bug that we discovered yesterday with Mastodon version 4.2... if you look at a profile after unfreezing an account... the profile will lose all of it's posts, followers, and following. #Mastodon #opensource #accountfreeze #notcool
#Mastodon #opensource #accountfreeze #notcool
they want you ill, dopesick, addicted or dead. -- "harm reduction centers"
#drugs #notcool #evilsatanists #sanfrancisco #sf #badpolicy
they want you ill, dopesick, addicted or dead. -- "harm reduction centers"
#drugs #notcool #evilsatanists #sanfrancisco #sf #badpolicy
@michaelc Fascinating. I like the #Random nature of this bug. May be the hidden AGI inside is trying to tell you to pick one or all of 6, 18, 10, ... in your next Lotto? :)
Have u tried report this2 the MSFT Developer Community to get them figure out your problems and have it fixed? Or they never get things fixed thus a waste of time?
Anyway, I Googled & saw this 2018 entry "Shows errors but compiles." which MSFT closed without fixing. So #NotCool may be waste of time?
Are you one of those cool people who are going to post your Spotify Year End Summary or are you a parent and all 314,000 minutes were spent listening to Encanto?
#spotify #parenting #notcool #kids
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2022
#MiM #RealMenDontHitWomen #NotCool
RT @AlexaLisitza@twitter.com
In honor of International End Violence Against Women Day.
(Illustration by @jude_devir@twitter.com)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlexaLisitza/status/1066829017741955072
#MiM #realmendonthitwomen #notcool #hearmetoo
He did nothing wrong
RT @realbenmcdonald@twitter.com
Cmon man…what are we teaching our youngsters…this is not acceptable at any level!! Respect the game! #NotCool
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/realbenmcdonald/status/1499428178863005699
Kom op Gemeente @sittardgeleen en burgemeester @Hansverheijen: Dit kunnen jullie niet maken! Waarom brengen jullie vreedzame actievoerders die enkel voor het behoud van het bos strijden in gevaar door hen toegang tot basisbehoeften te weigeren? #NotCool #RedHetSterrebos
RT @RedHetSterrebos
Onze bosbeschermers zitten al meer dan 24 uur in de boom in #Sterrebos en we mogen ze geen eten of drinken brengen.
De grondrechten van de…
#Sterrebos #RedHetSterrebos #notcool
RT @starla175@twitter.com
Accessibility is user experience for all users, not just some of them. Saying "we don't need accessibility" is akin to saying "we don't care about the user experience of people with mobility problems or those who are color blind, farsighted or not sighted at all." #notcool #a11y