#Note2Self: nachdem ich im Bereich Künstliche Intelligenz/Machine Learning immer mehr mit #Python zu tun habe, muss ich mein Skillset da mal aktualisieren.
Spontane Koch-Idee:
Süßkartoffel-rote Bete-Curry
(Evtl. mit Karotte und/oder Paprika? Serviert an Knödeln.)
Nur gibt es für die nächsten Tage vermutlich erstmal noch das eine oder andere abgelaufene, was zuerst vernommst werden will …
A good agenda for an annual team event
meteoblue Day in Zürich - meteoblue https://www.meteoblue.com/de/blog/article/show/40125_meteoblue+Day+in+Z%C3%BCrich
>meteoblue - weather close to you
#teambuilding #note2self #wetter
Note to self: It isn't my enunciation. I now see that Igor is hard of herring. #note2self
Note to self: Enunciate, damnit! Now Igor's brought back groupers instead of groupies. And what's with all the fish now?
Note to self: Enunciate. Igor just returned with a bucket of grunions, and not minions, as requested.
Because I use #Hugo bundles and what's unique about what I'm editing is the folder name rather than the file name (usually index.adoc for me), I've set the #VSCode Window Title to
#byא #bynm #VSC #code #gohugo #note2self #n2s #tip #vscode #hugo
How to merge a standalone repo into a monorepo, while maintaining git history.
#Note2Self: If you have a long, enjoyable chat with someone on Mastodon and you find them interesting, always check that you're already following them. If you're not, fix that before it slips your mind. You know it makes sense.
(Cross-posted from my Twitter)
Gardening one's mindscape...
...might not seem so simple in the information age. But actually, it is.
It's as simple as making choices.
(…But don't spend too much time & energy on it. You got plenty other fishes to fry.)
Be water. Rock breaks, water flows. Nothing has to fall apart, and even if it does none of it matters.
Be water.
Actually now that I've thought about it I have not been very responsible, nor cautious, about what I have let slip into (and out of) my mind.
#note2self : look for a Quitter node that supports CW folds... (maybe...) (if such a thing could possibly exist...)
I need to hook me up an account at one of those GNU Social instances that support +1000 characters...
I still need to refine my understanding of what “Block” and “Mute” each means in the Mastodon world.
(And yes I know it's all in the user manual. Will find time to read later…)
I would like to suggest Twitter-style Lists to Gargron, and I would like to submit said suggestion via Github.
#note2self #metadon #featureidea