@micahflee trying to understand; Why would anyone let AI fully drive for you, just because Elon says it can(?) 🤔 When I looked at these vehicles I saw so many points of failure, I left the showroom and bought a Honda Hybrid. Best choice I ever made.
#honda #hybrid #regenerate #notesla #noelon #teslasuckstoo
#solar #solarpower #newtech #future
Imagine a world with even 30% efficient light weight and portable solar panels. There are so many companies out there trying to solve this problem and only Telsa is getting attention and they aren't doing well. I hope companies like #GAF step up.
#solar #solarpower #newtech #future #gaf #notesla #noelon
I’m proud of Sacnurse today for a very small but poignant reason.
She has LUSTED for a Tesla for years.
She now makes enough money to buy one.
I asked this morning if she was going to.
She said, “I’m buying an EV instead from someone who isn’t a fucking lunatic.”
This move to #Mastodon is feeling like getting bumped from coach in a cancelled flight at LaGuardia on its way to Omaha and instead finding myself in Upper Class on the way to London. Glad to have made the move before Twitter goes all the way down. ‘Buhbye Elon. #NoElon #NoTesla #NoTwitter
#Mastodon #noelon #notesla #notwitter
So; jetzt wird es Zeit die Teslas zu verkaufen oder sich in Grund und Boden zu schämen. #notesla #notwitter