If you extend your block because it gets interesting and then get tired and bored, you have only yourself to blame! have the discipline to stop when the going’s good.
#notetoself Pokud si chceš přidržet polyfúzní svářečku trubek mezi koleny, tak pouze pokus máš montérky. Obal to vcelku pálí.
to close your window *without* closing your buffer, use `C-x 0`
Quick notes to myself before I forget them from tonight's therapy session.
* Starting using task lists take complicated tasks out of my brain.
* If a task seems too complex, break it down into smaller chunks until I find a task I think I can complete.
* Consider labelling tasks as main quests & side quests, so that I can consciously productively procrastinate if needed.
#EvieTherapyMoodDiary #NoteToSelf #therapy #ExecutiveDysfunction #neurodivergent #AuDHD
#evietherapymooddiary #notetoself #therapy #executivedysfunction #neurodivergent #AuDHD
#notetoself a dupont crimper isn't necessarily intended to work on all sorts of connector
Ah, ik was de hasjtag #notetoself vergeten. En wilde je op deze volslagen onherleidbare wijze bedanken voor de herinnering. Had ik nodig.
Do not ask users to share the output of #dmidecode without strong need, as it contains data some people would prefer to keep privat (like serial numbers for board, chassis, …).
Instead tell them to share the output of the following command, which usually suffices (for example to generate #kernel quirks):
grep -v /sys/class/dmi/id/* 2>/dev/null
#dmidecode #kernel #notetoself #linuxkernel
Mercury is in retrograde and I know what to do as a #Gemini.:
Listen to your inner voice and do something which will make you feel better when everything goes back to normal and have fun as it's like PMS for a Gemini.
Voor persoonlijke groei en zelfkennis: Een snelle samenvatting van het identiteitsboom model in een kleine illustratie.
#personalgrowth #awareness #lovingkindness
#insightmeditation #respect #change #spirituality #trust #identity #insight #notetoself
#personalgrowth #awareness #lovingkindness #insightmeditation #respect #change #spirituality #trust #identity #insight #notetoself
'Het is traditie.'
Dat is geen rechtvaardiging:
Het is een excuus.
"It is tradition."
Is no justification:
It's an excuse.
Note to self:
Either make a neurodivergent heart emoji or find an existing one to add to the #CultOfShiv server.
Am I the only one who has to continually edit posts to add hashtags?
I swear, I was on the x bird site from the start, and I added hashtags when they became popular, but here I constantly have to remind myself 🙄
#notetoself #rememberthinehashtags
#notetoself Moving bike and the trainer attached to each other is not a good idea especially when moving via stairs to upstairs.
Pro Tip: The less I talk to my boyfriend, the more we talk when we talk. #notetoself