@_benui @AlexOkafor I've also found this one very useful. Thanks #NotGDC and Scott Hernandez! 😀
We're thinking about how #notGDC can grow as an event in the future, and we would love to hear your thoughts! We made a short 5-minute survey, if you have time please take a look 👀👀
Huge thank you to everyone that participated in #notGDC 2023, speakers, attendees, volunteers, everyone🤗
The response to the event has been wonderful ♥
Hot-reload UE scripting is coming with NimForUE!
- https://github.com/jmgomez/NimForUE
- #notGDC 2023 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fFT3bBN1DM
- Via _jmgomez_ from Twitter
The video for my #notGDC 2023 talk is now online. In it I proposed breaking down thinking about #UI design into 3 parts:
- Let players know something: Using hierarchies to organise information.
- Let players do something: Using "Invite, React, Confirm" to make clear, enjoyable interactions.
- Let players feel something: Using the UI to support the feel of the game through visuals and player experience.
🌟 #notGDC 2023 Showcase:
FFT Ocean Flipbook: How to create & sample one using Blender & Unreal
By: Ghislain Girardot
👉 https://youtu.be/rV6TJ7YDJY8
More submissions at http://notgdc.io/#submissions!
🎉#notGDC 2023 has officially/unofficially started!
📚Check out the all the articles and talks on the site,
💬Listen and participate in talks on Discord throughout the week,
🎓Share your knowledge with fellow devs!
Have a wonderful week everyone! 🤩
🎆#notGDC Starts Tomorrow🎆
Come watch the talks, talk about the articles, make connections with fellow industry people, all from the comfort of your own bed😴💤 (if you want)
Some hashtags you might want to put in a column here to keep up with GDC goings on:
#GDC #GDC23 #GDC2023 #GameDevelopersConference #NotGDC
Have I missed any?
#gdc #gdc23 #gdc2023 #gamedevelopersconference #notgdc
@notgdc I would have loved to give a talk, but can't because I'm at GDC. I love the idea of #notgdc, but scheduling it to completely overlap with GDC almost feels like an inclusive effort that coincidentally excludes people (like 24k people). It would have been cool if it was 1 week before/after rather than during. Maybe something to consider for next year 🤷
I'm really excited about #notGDC next week. We're going to be hosting live talks on Discord!
I'll be giving my UX talk on "Know, Do, Feel" too
🤩We've had 22 submissions to #notGDC 2023 so far!
🤠It's wonderful seeing the community share their knowledge with everyone!
There's still 6 more days to submit your article, presentation, social media thread, whatever you like!
#notGDC starts in two days! We have live talks scheduled for Monday, looking forward to seeing everyone on Discord and Twitch!
👉Full details at https://notgdc.io/
🌟 #notGDC 2023 Showcase:
GameCube-Style Stencil Lights in Unreal by @protowlf
How to replicate toon stencil lights in Unreal, as seen in games like Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
👉 https://protowlf.com/unreal/unreal-stencil-lights/
More submissions at http://notgdc.io/#submissions!
Added advertising to benui.ca for the first time... 😭
Nah not really, it's a banner for #notGDC
🌟 #notGDC 2023 Showcase:
A Reference Guide to Custom Blueprint Nodes (Unreal Engine) by Citrus (https://unrealist.org)
This reference guide focuses on K2Node from which all Blueprint nodes are derived.
More submissions at http://notgdc.io/#submissions!
#unrealengine #UE5 #gamedev #notgdc