Played a game of No Thank You Evil today with my 8-year old.
I like the game overall, but there are some bits that didn't quite fit for us. It is making me think thoughts about designing games for kids. This might be something for a long format post...
#ttrpgforkids #nothankyouevil #ttrpg
Wir haben mal #NoThankYouEvil mit K2 gespielt. Das war eigentlich ziemlich erfolgreich.
#nothankyouevil #pnpde #ttrpgde
Apart from #AmazingTales I and the kids love to play #HeroKids and Things That Go #Squeak In The Night and #NoThankYouEvil
Got another suggestion for children friendly #TTRPG? Please let me know. 🙏
#AmazingTales #herokids #squeak #nothankyouevil #ttrpg
When someone tells you you should go back to #Twitter just say NO. We don't stay at a table when there is 1 nazi, so... a whole cesspool of it? Here... and that's just one...
#NoThankYouEvil #IamANTIFA #ElonIsANazi
#twitter #nothankyouevil #iamantifa #elonisanazi
Fantasizing about writing a mork borg supplement geared towards young players called Princess Forest.
No thank you evil is a great intro to ttrpgs, but I'd kind of like something with just a few more numbers (or different dice)
#ttrpg #morkborg #nothankyouevil
Just improvised an adventure of No Thank You Evil for my daughter and her friend. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but collaborative storytelling through games really is magic.
Even when it wears out my introvert brain 😂
#ttrpgs #nothankyouevil #dungeonsanddragons
I have done it. GM'ed "No Thank you, Evil" for my daughters 7 year old birthday party. She requested it, we've played before. Went great.
I'm still entranced by how kids do not view most encounters as near-automatic combat. That's definitely a learned behavior. (Also they all want to share their ideas, preferably by shouting). Anyway, they got the King and Queen's treasure back by helping the evil ogre (who stole the treasure) clean his stinky, trash-filled castle. #KidRPGs #nothankyouevil
#7TTRPGs The most influential RPGs for me:
1. #BeyondtheWall - Bonding w/ friends over Discord during the pandemic kept me sane
2. #ScumandVillainy - my biggest world building & GM experience so far
3. #BladesintheDark - I ❤ this setting & flavor!
4. #DnD4e - Loved building characters at the time.
5. #NoThankyouEvil - Playing this with my children was amazing!
6. #Monsteroftheweek - Writing monster mysteries is fun!
7. #BasicDnD - My first introduction to the hobby. Began my curiosity.
#7ttrpgs #beyondthewall #scumandvillainy #bladesinthedark #dnd4e #nothankyouevil #monsteroftheweek #basicdnd
Thanks @shannagermain for joining mastodon!
#numenera #cyphersystem #nothankyouevil