@seachanger have you tried bourbon though? In all my friend groups I think I'm last one standing - and the sheer amount of bourbon I drink is the only thing that sets us apart. #nothelping #couldnothurtthough
#nothelping #couldnothurtthough
#BackInMyDay “Nobody had a label or mental health problem. We just got on with it!”
Yeah, thanks for that. 🤨 Nothing to do with the fact that nobody understood mental health back then… #HashtagGames #ActuallyAutistic #NotHelping
#nothelping #actuallyautistic #HashtagGames #BackInMyDay
@schnee @coriolisdave I think you're saying the printer is usb-only? It can be made wireless. Same with the usb external hard drives. #nothelping
Yay! Het is het begin van de "astrologische" #LENTE ! 🌷
Tip: plan nooit iets op 1 maart waar je #digid voor nodig hebt, aangezien het ook de dag is dat 18 triljoen mensen proberen in te loggen op de site van de #belastingdienst (bekend van etnisch profileren EN van geweldige up to date #ICT....)
Maar even naar buiten dan en over een weekje weer proberen is mijn advies. (Niet elke 3 seconden gaan proberen in te loggen op digid --> #NotHelping.)
#leukerkunnenwehetnietmaken #belastingaangifte #nothelping #ICT #belastingdienst #digid #lente
There was an attempt...
This is why you almost never see any wheelchair users or vision impaired individuals utilising public spaces in Australia. Even newly constructed features aren't always fully adapted for everyone's needs...
#accessabilitymatters #therewasanattemp# #useless #nothelping
#accessabilitymatters #therewasanattemp #useless #nothelping
@glizzyborden I mean, you _might_ have seven. That _would_ be several, depending on the thing. #NotHelping
If the answer is no then when someone says they're having an automotive electrical problem don't suggest they use fuel stabilizer. In fact, please don't suggest anything at all.
#Cars #AutoRepair #Advice #NotHelping #AGoodMechanicWillTellYouTheyDontKnowWhatTheProblemIsUntilTheyLookAtIt
#cars #autorepair #advice #nothelping #agoodmechanicwilltellyoutheydontknowwhattheproblemisuntiltheylookatit
I'll never understand why non-mechanics try to give car repair advice to other people. Mechanics can spend literal decades learning the craft. And most specialize, too.
Like, motherfucker, would you tell someone how to go about performing a surgery or how to program something if you weren't a surgeon or a programmer?
#Cars #AutoRepair #Advice #NotHelping #AGoodMechanicWillTellYouTheyDontKnowWhatTheProblemIsUntilTheyLookAtIt
#cars #autorepair #advice #nothelping #agoodmechanicwilltellyoutheydontknowwhattheproblemisuntiltheylookatit
Mini-Marsha is still vexed her Lucky Charms be missin'. Been taking it out on all of us ever since.
Not sure it'll help, but it sounds like a problem that maybe more, and louder, Deep Purple can solve. 🤘
Good luck. Monsters ain't cool.
My supervisor scrutinizing my work. #caturday
#caturday #nothelping #bobbinlace #crafturday
Here's an action shot of my helper opening the new thread package....
去到2022年, Siri都仲係蠢過隻豬咁...(其實豬一啲都唔蠢)問佢使唔使拎遮,佢叫我戴口罩出街,玩咩? #Apple #Siri #NotHelping ...#Weather
#Weather #nothelping #siri #apple
@JulieSqveakaroo #nothelping if you get one that still works (or would be easily repairable to that state given time/effort) but wasn't new in box, would that save you some money? :D