Ana Tudor 🐯 · @anatudor
589 followers · 316 posts · Server
Ana Tudor 🐯 · @anatudor
588 followers · 310 posts · Server

3 years ago tonight, at the end of a wild day, my final concert for 2019 (I really wanted to get back home and to the cemetery before the 14th) and the last time I would see until this autumn's tour.

Also the last time I would see The Black Dahlia Murder (I was supposed to see them again at three festivals).

Thanks for the water bottle that evening, Trevor!

#insomnium #concert #memories #metal #deathmetal #nothingbeatslive

Last updated 2 years ago

Ana Tudor 🐯 · @anatudor
576 followers · 300 posts · Server

4 years ago tonight, on a very cold December night. The night when I found myself outside of the front door of the hotel with no idea how to get in. Luckily, other concertgoers helped me find a back door my key could open.

The wristband is one that Ventor used during that show.

#kreator #metal #concert #memories #thrashmetal #nothingbeatslive

Last updated 2 years ago

Ana Tudor 🐯 · @anatudor
575 followers · 299 posts · Server

3 years ago tonight, I saw the U.D.O. show in Speyer. It was incredible. I went wild.

I personally loved that the set didn't include Accept stuff because, well, there's Accept for that and there are more than enough great U.D.O. songs to make a super set.

#metal #concert #memories #nothingbeatslive #udo

Last updated 2 years ago

Ana Tudor 🐯 · @anatudor
567 followers · 281 posts · Server

4 years ago tonight, wearing a beanie to hide any damage that may have still been visible from the previous show... I saw in Milan.

Save for the ticket mess at the entrance (I had bought my ticket from the link on the tour website which led me to MetalTix πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ , that ticket couldn't be scanned, had to go to the ticket office & exchange it for a scannable one), it was a purrfect night. My 1st & so far only time in Milan - I loved it!

#kreator #concert #metal #thrashmetal #nothingbeatslive #memories

Last updated 2 years ago

Ana Tudor 🐯 · @anatudor
567 followers · 280 posts · Server

3 years ago tonight... I then followed them to Frankfurt for a second show. Save for getting soaked by the rain on the 40 minute walk between the hotel and the venue, arriving there was uneventful.

It was an immensely fun night. It always feels like a bit of a miracle to still be able to jump the entire night after such a tiring week, but I'm glad whenever my body can still do it.

#concert #memories #nothingbeatslive #philcampbell

Last updated 2 years ago

Ana Tudor 🐯 · @anatudor
565 followers · 276 posts · Server

3 years ago tonight, I saw Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons. It was cold, foggy & all was so frustrating until the show. Bus to Munich stuck in traffic, hotel mixing up my room with that reserved by someone from Texas with same name, Google Maps not up to date with construction work around venue...

But the show was worth it. It was really cool to get to hear Straight Up and These Old Boots for the first time.

#concert #misadventures #nothingbeatslive #philcampbell

Last updated 2 years ago

Ana Tudor 🐯 · @anatudor
558 followers · 271 posts · Server

6 years ago tonight, I saw in Bucharest. It would be their latest show in Bucharest to date. And the last longer show I've seen them play... they were *the* band that got me into over 15 years ago - there's a lot they've put out over the years that I'd love to hear live and it's pretty hard to fit that much into a 13 song set like this autumn.

#amonamarth #deathmetal #concert #metal #memories #nothingbeatslive

Last updated 2 years ago

Ana Tudor 🐯 · @anatudor
557 followers · 267 posts · Server

4 years ago tonight, I saw in Brussels.

That show when a thick rimmed beer cup landed of my head and cracked my skull right when the curtain dropped, so I spent the first songs in the set headbanding while holding a tissue there... until it would get soaked in blood and I'd replace it.

A friend of a friend hosted me, so picture the dialogue after:
How was it?
Great! πŸ˜ƒ
What's on your face?
Oh... blood! ☺️
... πŸ‘€

#kreator #concert #metal #thrashmetal #liveislife #memories #nothingbeatslive

Last updated 2 years ago