Ik geloof dat de #diamant in de ring van mijn overgrootvader binnenkort plotseling een stuk minder waardevol wordt. #NothingLastsForever (Gift Article) https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/10/movies/nothing-lasts-forever-review.html?unlocked_article_code=KdBdNaFcR70gMgjZXbEGet-81AF2fs7EEW7M9YLjo_NE_qUIzcHxuP34SR1I4ZEmcnf6YnqjICcS0HsrO1Cw2Xmf4JtJ3rTSkwPEp-WAM9rXDAzi-ytimXajQSbXhzcfhKsWLlurBP_3qYdQGdfjggh3cDaPLWKspgHiBG1HJlh3SwtGW8GEF7Q13txeR-qD-iZL6cSxTbJ1TPf9pWi5Q9fgsuWBqh-PsNyXa8NqcyWxYq8eocQrBJvSrjyLL76og2Cbm5JIYYtb5QhyyoV621vZw2DeVk5Q2CRAMgBN-u2dy_Rl0YVhjzqzJFe1v4hsLsz8Wm901Q89CgDAjg5nRkOmP2Ds&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare
@FlyVapen_Pikk @edgeoforever @Barbramon1 It sure does, doesn't it? Not sure from which songs are these lyrics but I'll jump on the train.
Watching "Nothing Lasts Forever" very good. My husband who was a goldsmith/jeweler used to laugh at the idea of diamonds - such a scam. Too bad so much evil follows on all the money involved. #DeBeers $Diamonds #NothingLastsForever $Netflix
When I was young, I desperately wanted to be older so that I’d be ugly and people would leave me alone concerning my looks. I had no idea that old age would hit me like a ton of bricks and I’d feel ugly all the time. That’s irony for you. Now I just have learn to enjoy the space of solitude. #NothingLastsForever
That feel when you want to read a completed webcomic (in my case, Darwin Carmichael Is Going To Hell) and just have to feel grateful that you backed the Kickstarter and have a hard copy and a copy in your iBooks because the website is broken and there’s no images there any longer 😭 #NothingLastsForever #TheInternetIsNotForever
#nothinglastsforever #theinternetisnotforever