I F*CKING LOVE MY ROOMMATE’S NEW TATTOO #everythingeverywhereallatonce #greekmythology #sisyphus #Absurdism #EEaaO #Tattoo #NothingMatters #Hades #greeks
#everythingeverywhereallatonce #greekmythology #sisyphus #absurdism #eeaao #tattoo #nothingmatters #hades #greeks
@Saysdana it’s a shame this is the country of no consequences. #NothingMatters
Pretty wild that there are legit UFOs off the coast of D.C. that are demonstrating technology beyond our grasp and we’re all so jaded and cynical that it barely makes news. #UFO #nothingmatters
@RobertMaguire it’s a shame this sort of thing isn’t specifically outlawed by the Constitution. Oh, wait… #nothingmatters
I watched Everything Everywhere All At Once this past weekend and I can't stop thinking about it. #nothingmatters
Having seen both Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness & Everything Everywhere All At Once, I genuinely enjoyed the latter as an actual #Multiverse film while the former is more focused on power scope.
Jobu Tupaki as Nihilistic Reality-Warper is just insane.
Fantastic performances by Michelle Yeoh & Stephanie Hsu.
#NothingMatters #DoctorStrange #MoM #EverythingEverywhereAllatOnce
#multiverse #nothingmatters #doctorstrange #mom #everythingeverywhereallatonce
Having seen both Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness & Everything Everywhere All At Once, I genuinely enjoyed the latter as an actual #Multiverse movie while the former is more focused on power scope.
Jobu Tupaki as Nihilistic Reality-Warper is just insane.
Both Michelle Yeoh & Stephanie Hsu were fantastic in the film.
#NothingMatters #DoctorStrange #MoM #EverythingEverywhereAllatOnce
#multiverse #nothingmatters #doctorstrange #mom #everythingeverywhereallatonce
So #ITV are somehow responsible for both 1-2-1-4-5 on EPGs and 1-2-3-4-Be on their own services: in other words, lol #NothingMatters #ITV1