Intel va mette de la télémétrie dans ses GPU « pour optimiser l’expérience utilisateur » 😃
Les données envoyées incluent entre autres, les URL que vous visitez et pendant combien de temps
#tech #capitalisme #surveillance #lol #nothingtohide
@Tutanota and as a companion to this post, a MUST-WATCH documentary from 2017 - #NothingToHide
Here's a #peertube link
Merci @LaQuadrature pour votre veille constante et vos actions militantes...
#NothingToHide est à revoir en lien avec ces évènements grave pour les droits de chacun•es
@edgeofeurope Gezichtsherkenning op de ANPR-camera's? Slimme rode lichten een kilometertje verder op rood zetten en de politie moet zich zelfs niet haasten 😂 #privacy #nothingtohide @Martranslations
TLDR Excellent topic and think if we had a list it would make them think twice as all these terms are too general; privacy, data....
Nothing to hide (big topic + great documentary)
I will make a project on this - collecting points. For now... Part 1 below...
● Excellent topic and think if we had a more specific list it would make people think twice as all these terms are too general;
○ privacy, data <-----------So what!!!??...
...But change vocabulary and specifics and it's different as it's a specific ***threat*** to people...
●passwords \ access to files
●inside information (about your company plans shared outside)
●specific undeletable threats (comments maybe)
The audience you try to reach IS MOSLY PRIMiTIVE.
EVEN PROGRAMMERS who like cats and don't care to know about what banks do (no big names mentioned yet)
And maybe even you have blind spots so it's about asking how to make it clear and not dragging. (I've been doing this for terms like:
●Money, Banks <--------- Who cares!!!!!???
But I've found better ways and vocabulary (which I will do for this topic also) for example
●do you like people cheating you?
●can you do this maths (example later)
So 'attack' people nicely because they are in their artifical 'peaceful' life thinking all is ok brought by corporations and by mentioning what they understand or threatened it's easier. They are not infosec people you are talking to!
●Nothing to hide (great documentary)
□French audio =
□English audio =
♢I have the right to protect my public and private sphere.
♢shifting the conversation to data protection rather than just privacy
[? could be good for DP specifics but not only for DP]
♢*Dignity*. I don't have a lockable door on my bathroom because I'm doing something secret
♢vocabulary "hide" is also general / subjective. Also "hide" almost concedes that the government DOES NOT have a right to know what you're doing at all times. Or is like hiding from system... which it is!
Which I think is right in many cases but not all! So people will find it hard or conflicting to have 0 info on some people even in name or privacy (maybe because they are scared of OTHERS more than actual GOV and its FIRMS which ironically is who to be scared of (!) and is almost sharing with everyone and they future... but because it's behind their back then they won't see it and so 'CANT' RESPECT what you say about it because it's simply much harder to see than a dead body or stolen money.
♢"What I don't see does not hurting me"
People have to see it else have hard time being asked to imagine
(many actually have poor cognitive or imaginative skills unless they studied business as I have!. .. so without qualified people it's like talking to non-engineers about complex things.
♢My dad was convinced when I told him he has nothing to hide but he still wouldn't put a camera in the toilet. (Simple to see - could be hard even to say why not... other areas even harder though this seems best so far and less like 'conspiracy' and more real)
Ok more later.....
Cameras can be good example like in toilets.
"what have you got to hide" arguments might usually be made by those people that don't see or feel the danger of Big Corporations running their life or doing business from their data / life.
Inside totalitarian / authoritative regimes (everyone) then I think we all DO have things to hide! (Because others tend to abuse them more than us doing anything wrong)
And as those regimes make everything possibly 'illegal' then this basically censors / distracts / punishes people for speaking out or even trying to improve things.
May revise this at any time - feel free to DM me also.
#privacy #nothingtohide #documentary
@Khrys et voilà tous les adeptes de "je n'ai rien à cacher" pris au piège... Et les autres avec eux.
C'est pas faute d'avoir alerté...
La deuxième session de ce colloque débute à 9H ce matin sous la présidence de Hugues Hellio, professeur de droit public.
Le thème est «Le renforcement de la dimension préventive de la surveillance : une aversion croissante pour le risque ?»
A-t-on vraiment rien à cacher ?
Discours éloquent et de cloture de cette première journée du colloque surveillance et droit
par Emelyne Desbuquoit, étudiante en 3ème année de Licence de droit à l'Université d'Artois
« Je n'ai rien à cacher »
RT @motherboard
A 17-year-old girl and her mother have been charged with a series of felonies and misdemeanors after an apparent at-home abortion in Nebraska.
The state's case against the pair relies on evidence obtained directly from Facebook via court order.
I mused the other day and have finally gotten around to publishing it. #privacy #nothingtohide #privatelife
#privacy #nothingtohide #privatelife
RT @NickRand_
🎥Prochain CinéBlabla de La Bidouille☠️
Après #NothingToHide, on a décidé de vous proposer des perspectives alternatives avec:
"Une contre-histoire de l'Internet", de @juliengoetz et @manhack, réalisé par Sylvain Bergère.
Toustes bienvenu⋅e⋅s!
#datalove 🖤
RT @NickRand_
Le #hackerspace La Bidouille lance ses ciné-blabla
présentant films ou documentaires en lien avec la culture hacker, les enjeux et alternatives numériques.
On démarre avec #NothingToHide, de Marc Meillassoux et Mihaela Gladovic.
Toustes bienvenu⋅e⋅s!
« Depuis qu’a fuité le projet de décision de la Cour suprême remettant en cause le droit constitutionnel à l’ #avortement , les Américaines s’inquiètent : leur cycle menstruel risque-t-il d’être surveillé par le biais des #applications de suivi des règles ? »
« La confidentialité des relations entre professionnels de la #santé et patients est strictement protégée par la loi de 1996 dite HIPPA [...]. Mais les applications n’y sont pas soumises. »
#nothingtohide #santé #applications #avortement
#nothingtohide #teamdatenschutz
#ardour #FOSS #edm #metal #progressivemetal #creativecommons
#gnu #nothingtohide #teamdatenschutz #ardour #foss #edm #metal #progressivemetal #creativecommons
#nothingtohide #blackmirror quand la fiction devient réalité...
Pratiques ou intrusives, quand les caméras "intelligentes" s'immiscent dans un flou juridique
"Jacqueline, une cliente [...] : Entre Internet, les téléphones, Instagram... Vous êtes fiché partout. Un peu plus ou un peu moins, de vous à moi, je m'en fiche ! Je n'ai rien me reprocher.
Chère Jacqueline si tu savais qu'un autre internet existe, que les téléphones #murena et que #pixelfed ne te pistent pas...
#nothingtohide #blackmirror #murena #pixelfed
Et donc au final il y aurait quoi comme vidéo bien sur la #surveillance de masse à part #NothingToHide ?
Qui soit entièrement en français donc (puisque la VOSTFR fut apparemment un des principaux obstacles) ?
(boosts appréciés)
For me, privacy is not about hiding unethical actions. It's about stamping them out.
Coercion often depends on surveillance from the shadows. Privacy helps stamp it out.
The only thing I have to hide is the self-sovereignty of the people I care about.
#nothingtohide #surveillance #privacy
Ah oui, c'est vrai, j'avais oublié, vous n'avez rien à cacher 🤔🤦♂️ #NothingToHide