As I watch the ramping up of institutional #covid19 #outbreak #notifications in #Ontario, it is yet another wave's reminder that, at least in Canada, #IPAC is mostly a cargo cult science.
"The form is perfect. ... But it doesn't work. No airplanes land. So I call these things cargo cult science, because they follow all the apparent precepts and forms of scientific investigation, but they're missing something essential, because the planes don't land." - Richard Feynman
We deeply need an IPAC discipline that takes #aerosol #airborne transmission mitigation very seriously. We need an airborne revolution to get to #CleanAir, to #SafeAir
I know a few counterpoints to this view like Dr Victor Leung from BC who is a true practice leader in the field, but they are rare and rather quiet due to discipline pressure to conform to approved #DropletDogma
If you are in IPAC, please help drive your discipline from a handwashing, droplet & contacts precaution compliance mindset to one that truely embraces airborne risk mitigation, if not elimination. Don't just transfer the risk to the patient, and wash your hands of it.
It might be my life you save. It certainly could have been both my parents.
#covid19 #outbreak #notifications #ontario #ipac #aerosol #airborne #cleanair #SafeAir #DropletDogma
[EN & EO below]
Jak zrobić, żeby jedynym powiadomieniem, z jakiego dźwięk dostaję, było powiadomienie o tym, że trzeba sobie cyknąć BeReala?
Nie chodzi mi o ograniczenie do jednej aplikacji, bo wiem, że to da się zrobić, ale ograniczenie do tego jednego konkretnego powiadomienia z tej aplikacji
[EN version]
How to do so that the only notification I have a sound from is that I have to take a BeReal photo?
And I don't have on my mind all the notifications from the app, but this single one notification.
[EO versio]
Kiel agordi, ke ununura nemalsonigata informiĝo, kiun mi ricevos, estos tiu, ke mi devas foti min ĉe BeReal?
Kaj mi ne pensas pri ĉiuj informiĝoj de la apo, sed pri la ĉi tiu ununura.
Bonvolu korekti miajn erarojn.
#Android #help #notifications #pomoc #it
OneSignal (YC S11. Email, SMS, Push Notification Platform) Is Hiring Engineers
#ycombinator #push #notifications #web #mobile
#ycombinator #push #notifications #web #mobile
Hold the fuck up. How long has this been in #iOS?!?
#Siri … Suggested …
#Notifications?! :apple_old_logo: :antiverified:
Notifications that I didn’t ask for, from the App* Store recommendation engines.
Someone coded this. People built this #malfeature, released it into the wild. On purpose.
#iOS #siri #notifications #malfeature
Hold the fuck up. How long has this been in iOS?!?
#Siri … Suggested …
#Notifications?! :apple_old_logo: :antiverified:
Dear lord what hath you marketing fuckheads wrought
Is there a reason why the #bluesky #app doesn't send #notifications on #android?
#bluesky #app #notifications #android
I'm using #Firefox to run #Mastodon on a desktop with lots of columns. Don't see all #mentions in the #Notifications tab. #Tusky on Google Pixel 3A XL. Not filtering anything.
#Tusky #notifications #mentions #Mastodon #FireFox
My timeline finally loaded this morning. I tried it multiple times, just to be sure.
I also found some #Voiceover labels that had names which didn't make sence. I'm unsure if this is a #bug or not, but when I favorited a few posts, #Voiceover didn't confirm by changing the name of the button from "favorite" to "favorited."
Also, when in #notifications, the word, "status" is all #Voiceover says. are these things normal?
#voiceover #bug #notifications
Um, could someone please send me a #reply #Testing out something on my #Chromebook and need to be sure #notifications are working as expected
#reply #testing #chromebook #notifications
Now that I have a lot more control of #notifications from my #email with #Port87, I’ve noticed how redundant #PushNotifications are for most apps. So I’ve turned off notifications on several apps so far.
#notifications #email #port87 #pushnotifications
Do you know of an open-source app that emits an audio and text notification when the battery is nearing exhaustion?
Android has this feature but unfortunately it forces me to flag people to alert in case of an emergency, which I don't want to do.
So I'm looking for an app that just says, "Your battery's dead".
#android #battery #notifications #help #app
What iOS is in desperate need of is a "Pause Notifications for…" option for each app so that I can pause my security camera notifications for a couple hours while I'm working in front of the camera. I keep forgetting to turn them back on so a pause would work nicely for me.
Setting a focus mode only allows a schedule, not an interval, and would be a PITA to update each time and enable/disable.
Pour ne pas vous faire rater un #évènement important 🥳 , le gestionnaire d'#agendas 📆 de #Vivaldi :vivaldi_red: dispose évidemment de #notifications #sonores 🔊.
Mais il propose aussi des #notifications #visuelles 👇 assez... surprenantes 😋
#evenement #agendas #vivaldi #notifications #sonores #visuelles
OneSignal (YC S11) Is Hiring Senior Software Engineers
#ycombinator #push #notifications #web #mobile
#ycombinator #push #notifications #web #mobile
@chertograd I tried making sure that everything on the browser was set to allow notifications, including the email notifications. Also logged out and back in on #icecubesapp. If I can find anything I’ll let people know with #notifications.
#Mastodon #notifications appear to now be broken in both the #icecubesapp and in general in the browser. So weird! Hoping it was a user setting somewhere that I messed up, trying a few different things.
#pushnotifications #icecubesapp #notifications #Mastodon
I may have gotten angry while on a job search app at the frequently posted Covid misinformation and conspiracy, especially about the vaccines. So I MIGHT have made a post saying, among other things, that I hope those people spreading misinformation are pushed out of their jobs by mandates to protect the public from their choice to not get vaccinated. RIP my notifications lol
#app #angry #misinformation #conspiracy #vaccine #mandates #public #notifications #covid
#app #angry #misinformation #conspiracy #vaccine #mandates #public #notifications #covid
My AirAlert Notification script has been running smoothly for a couple of days now. If you’re interested, you can find the instructions on how to run it yourself through GitHub actions on my GitHub repository.
Plus, you can even receive push notifications on your phone through Pushbullet! Let me know what you think.
#api #weather #programming #github #python #webdev #visualization #datascience #airpollution #script #GitHub #Pushbullet #notifications #data #tracking
#api #weather #programming #github #python #webdev #visualization #datascience #airpollution #script #pushbullet #notifications #data #tracking
draft - how could ios/iphone/apple innovate upon the existing android multiple user profile setup?
related - pixel, 6a, 7a, pixel8, iphone15, ios17, app/data segregation, guest mode, chat/dating, digital wellbeing, fast user switching, notifications, privacy, security...
#fastuserswitching, #notifications
#pixel6a #iphone #pixel7a #pixel8 #iphone13mini #iphone15 #ios17 #appsegregation #datasegregation #guestmode #chatdating #digitalwellbeing #fastuserswitching #notifications #privacy #security
If I see more than three #notifications on this thing my response is basically "well I hope people out there liked something but I guess I'll never know."