RT @ZoeJardiniere
And if you're up in Scotland and can't make it to London - you can still raise your voice and say #NotInOurName
6pm at Buchanan Steps, Glasgow
@Maryhill_IN #StopTheBill #r4today #RefugeesWelcome #Refuweegees
#notinourname #stopthebill #r4today #refugeeswelcome #refuweegees
RT @DrEvanHarris@twitter.com
The Church of England discriminates against LGBT people. They can do this legally as there are exemptions for religious organisations. Fine, but it should not be the established church with our monarch at its head, and with its high priests in our Parliament. #NotInOurName
šµ 1710 #B2806 #NoBorders #NoNations Unser Wohlstand ist nur geklaut. Gewalt, Morde, Genozide Diktaturen werden begĆ¼nstigt! #notinourname #fightfortresseurope Jetzt #noborderassembly
#b2806 #noborders #nonations #notinourname #fightfortresseurope #noborderassembly
Per una lotta transnazionale contro lāoppressione dei palestinesi da parte dello Stato di Israele. Intervista a un attivista di Not in Our Name http://www.connessioniprecarie.org/2021/05/20/not-in-out-name-per-una-lotta-transnazionale-contro-loppressione-dei-palestinesi-da-parte-dello-stato-di-israele/ #Scioperosocialetransnazionale #AlessandroFishmanRotmensz #ā«connessioniglobali ##FreePalestine ##NotInOurName #Palestina
#palestina #notinourname #freepalestine #AlessandroFishmanRotmensz #Scioperosocialetransnazionale
El mundo pide paz. De sao paolo a Kinshasa, quito a la paz nueva york a distrito federal, madrid a Londres el mundo prefiere convivir en paz.
World desires an end to war, cowardly chauvinistic militarism and permanent ultraviolence #anotherworldispossible #notinourname
#anotherworldispossible #notinourname