Hope Project · @hopeproject
115 followers · 44 posts · Server kolektiva.social

The hope project is very happy to welcome back hope project Poland for the weekend.
Philippa went with Adam and Zuzanna to buy the items we were desperately short of.
3 hours of shopping, 7 trollies packed with underwear, sun hats, sanitary towels, flip-flops, socks, t-shirts, and so much more!!!!
We would like to thank the people who made this possible, hope project Poland and Kjesti Ebbing and her fund raiser.
This support is sooooo needed at the moment.
With the world's media focus elsewhere, we are struggling to keep going. Without your support, we can not continue our work.
With so few groups left here and increasing arrivals, we are under more pressure than ever before.
Together, we are stronger!

#hope #hopeproject #thehopeproject #hopeprojectpoland #hopeprojectgreece #refugees #refugee #notjusthope #refugeeslesvos #refugeesgreece #greece #lesvos #jumbo #donations #aid #RefugeeAid #refugeedonations #refugeeclothes #refugeecharity

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
114 followers · 43 posts · Server kolektiva.social

So many little ones this week!
Because of your support we have been able to provide the families with everything they need for the months ahead. ❤️
Together we are stronger!

Donation Information:
Bank account:
GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460

Donation page: hope-project.raisely.com

Amazon wish list: amazon.de/hz/wishlist/ls/10V1I)

#thehopeproject #hopeproject #TogetherWeAreStronger #notjusthope #hope #refugee #refugees #family #families #kids #children #littleones #refugeefamilies #refugeefamily #refugeechildren #refugeekids #babies #refugeebabies #baby #refugeebaby

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
114 followers · 42 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Saturday Eric and Philippa took some of our lovely artists for a day out to celebrate Eid Ul-Fitr.
The girls went shopping to buy eid gifts for all the members of the hope project.
We then went to the beach where the girls collected shells and got to see the beauty of Lesvos. It was the first time they had been out for a trip and seen the island
Later a small boat trip and lunch at a local restaurant.
It was such a fun day and a pleasure for the hope project to be able to do what it's best at.
Bring hope ❤️
Thank you for everyone who has made this possible.

Donation Information:
Bank account:
GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460

Donation page: hope-project.raisely.com

Amazon wish list: amazon.de/hz/wishlist/ls/10V1I)

#notjusthope #eid #eidelfitr #hopeproject #greece #thehopeproject #lesvos #refugee #refugees #refugeecharity #refugeecharities #shopping #DayOut #daysout #hope

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
113 followers · 41 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Philippa received a gift today from some of our young artists, it came with a note…..
“Hello Mrs Flippa and Mr Eric
The first time we visited you was that time that we came to hope project for taking clothes, but in that time, we didn’t know that there is art classes, but after four months we understood that you have art classes and we decided to take part in your classes.
From that time that we took part in your art class our feeling got better because we lost our mom recently and nothing changed our mood because we weren’t in good mental health. But from that time that we came to painting class we got better and better especially our older sister f….. That she had two-time experience of suicide. Her second suicide was three months ago, but now that we see her its completely visible that she got better now that we try a lot for our paintings is just because of our mom we want that her soul be proud of us, and we are so thankful that you provide this background to us for riching to our aim. Until now we faced with a lot of problems and hardships but when we come to hope project we understand that in the world are good humans like you (Mrs Flipa and Mr Eric) you are so kind.

#philippakempson #notjusthope #hope #hopeproject #hopeprojectgreece #hopeprojectlesvos #portrait #potraits #sketch #sketches #Art #artist #artists #artproject #lesvos #greece #refugee #refugees #lesvosrefugees #refugeesgreece

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
112 followers · 40 posts · Server kolektiva.social

7 days a week we provide meals to our team and artists.
These are especially important during Ramadan.
Yesterday's food was delicious fried chicken and chip, salad and salsa. In the parcels we also include 3 pieces of fruit, croissant for breakfast, bread, dates, sesame bars and chocolate as well as water and juice.
Just 5 euros a day feeds one hope project family member.
Food is on of our biggest expenses and its hard to raise the money for such an important cost.
Will you help us continue?

Donation Information:
Bank account:
GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460

Donation page: hope-project.raisely.com

#refugee #refugees #food #ramadan #ramadanfood #refugeefood #ramadanmeals #meals #charity #charities #refugeecharity #refugeecharities #lesvos #greece #notjusthope #hope #ramadanmubarak #meal #ourteam #teamfood

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
112 followers · 39 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Our art project is busy everyday.
Currently most of the students are young ladies from Iran and Afghanistan.
They come every day and work hard to learn more and expand on their talent.
Its so important to them to have a safe and relaxing place to escape the daily stress of the camp.
Only with your support can we continue this vital project.


Donation Information:
Bank account:
GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460

Donation page: hope-project.raisely.com

Amazon wish list: amazon.de/hz/wishlist/ls/10V1I)

Philippa & Eric Kempson 
The Hope Project
Warehouse K18
Kara Tepe
Mytilene, Lesvos

#hopeproject #refugee #refugees #Art #artist #artists #painting #paintings #moriarefugee #thehopeproject #artproject #theartproject #hope #notjusthope #refugeeart

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
111 followers · 38 posts · Server kolektiva.social

As always, we are very busy at the hope project this week with lots of new arrivals.
Lots of families today
Our amazing team are working hard to make sure everyone gets what they need.
Only because of your support is this possible.
Thank you ❤️

Donation Information:
Bank account:
GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460

Donation page: hope-project.raisely.com

Amazon wish list: amazon.de/hz/wishlist/ls/10V1I)

#hope #notjusthope #hopeproject #hopeprojectgreece #hopeprojectlesvos #aid #refugees #refugee #RefugeeAid #refugeehelp #donation #aiddistribution #aiditems #aiddonations #distribution #refugeefamily #refugeefamilies #families #family

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
111 followers · 37 posts · Server kolektiva.social

We need your support for the summer months.
We are as always especially short of clothing for men and teenage boys.
If you can help with any of the items listed below, please message us for information, we are also able to buy most items locally but need your support to do this.

Shoes, flip flops, and crocs size 39,40,41,42,43 especially.
Underwear (only new please) all sizes
Sun hats

KIDS (over 2 years, we do not need baby clothes)
Underwear (only new please)
Flip flops and crocs
Sun hats

Underwear (only new please)
Crocs and flip flops
Long shirts
T shirts
Abyas and long dresses.
Hijabs and head scarfs
Long skirts
Sun hats

Adult toothbrushes
Shower gel
Baby cream
Baby bottles
Baby wipes
Diapers especially size 4,5,6
Sanitary towels, female Hygiene (please no tampons)
Sun Cream
Mosquito Repellent

Sleeping bags
Cotton sheets
Smart phone

Thank you all for your support.
We couldn't do this without you❤

Donation Information:
Bank account:
GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460

Donation page: hope-project.raisely.com

Amazon wish list: amazon.de/hz/wishlist/ls/10V1I)

#hope #notjusthope #hopeproject #hopeprojectgreece #hopeprojectlesvos #aid #refugees #refugee #RefugeeAid #refugeehelp #donation #donations #aiditems #aiddonations #clothes #clothesdonation #clothesdonatons #charitydonation #charitydonations

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
109 followers · 36 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Thank you for all your messages of support and name suggestions for this young man.
We are happy to announce that he has found a forever home here on Lesvos.
In the end, his wonderful new family named him with a very grand name.
Baran Mcnab
Or Barrie for short.
Baran means rain in farsi as it was pouring with rain when his new mum and dad came to meet him.
Mcnab is the closest breed name that his family could find.
He has settled in really well and loves his new family and big brother.
This week we will go back to the vet for his second round of vaccinations and update his papers with his very grand name❤️

#notjusthope #puppy #puppies #dog #dogs #pet #pets #rehomed #rescue #rescued #rescuedog #adoption #adopted #adopteddog #newhome #puppyhome #puppieshome #puppiesnewhome #named #puppyishome

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
108 followers · 35 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river.
We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.”
Desmond Tutu

Billions are being spent on "stopping" migration.
2 billion people have no access to safe drinking water. Would these resources not be better spent in assisting people to remain where they are?
With war, conflict, and environmental chaos, we need to start looking at why refugees are created.
We are constantly ask why we think people make the decision to make the dangerous trip to Europe.
To add another quote, nobody puts their children in a boat if the land is safer than the sea.
From the beginning of this current "crisis," the only plan of governments is to stop refugees. From pushbacks to bizarre off shore detention plans, drones, more boats, more coast guard, more fences and walls
We have called for safe passage and humanitarian corridors since 2015. Safe routes that don't destroy lives, kill children, and create broken people who are a burden to the state that finally accepts them.

#desmondtutu #quote #desmondtutuquotes #archbishopdesmondtutu #Archbishop #archbishopdesmondtutuquote #archbishopdesmondtutuquotes #quotes #refugees #refugee #migration #refugeecrisis #crisis #fotresseurope #europe #notjusthope #hope #safepassage #safetyforall #refugeerights

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
108 followers · 34 posts · Server kolektiva.social

This young man is just 7 days old.
His name is David.
We were happy to see his mum and him today. His mum came to us a month ago, heavily pregnant.
Like all pregnant mums we invited her to come back after the baby is born to receive supplies for the baby and clothes for mum.
They left with lots of baby clothing and diapers along with everything young David will need over the next weeks, including a stroller, changing mat, towel, hygiene and blankets.
Mum was proud and happy because she has also received her asylum.
Will you help us continue?

Donation Information:
Bank account:
GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460

Donation page: hope-project.raisely.com

Amazon wish list: amazon.de/hz/wishlist/ls/10V1I)

#refugee #refugees #baby #babies #refugeebaby #refugeebabies #refugeechildren #refugeechild #refugeeasylum #asylum #asylumseekers #asylumseeker #hopeproject #hope #notjusthope #philippakempson #lesvos #greece #refugeeslesvos #refugeesgreece

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
102 followers · 31 posts · Server kolektiva.social

This young man has been with us for 2 weeks now.
There is no foster care available for him. So we will try to find him a forever home.
The first thing is he needs a name. Please comment below with name suggestions.
He had his first trip to the vet last week. We have paid for his vaccinations, and he is now chipped.
The vet thinks he is 5 months old and that he was born with his little stubby tail.
He is very social with other dogs, and if we didn't have 6 other dogs and were so busy with 2-legged people in need, we would keep him, but it's just too much.
He needs a forever home where he will have the special place he deserves.

#notjusthope #puppy #puppies #dog #dogs #pet #pets #puppyneedsahome #puppyadoption #puppyadoptions #adoption #petneedsahome #dogneedsahome #namethepuppy #namethepet #namethedog #weneedaname #name #names

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
102 followers · 30 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today, we received 16 pallets from the ever wonderful @flüchtlingsratulm.
The pallets were packed with everything we needed from shoes for adults, clothes, underwear and hygiene items.
We will work over the next days to unpack everything, the shoes are already going out to people.
Thank you so much to everyone in Ulm that made this possible.
You are truly amazing!!!

#fluchtlingsratulm #refugeeclothes #refugeehelp #itemsforrefugees #lesvosrefugees #refugeesgreece #helpingrefugees #clothesforrefugees #RefugeeAid #refugee #fluchtlingsrat #refugees #hopeproject #aid #thehopeproject #humanitarian #humanitarianaid #aidingrefugees #hopeprojectgreece #notjusthope

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
101 followers · 28 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Often, when we work together, we can achieve wonderful things.
Today, we received a donation from @safeplaceintl They had a huge donation of brand-new unisex adult clothing in their Athens warehouse.
We were able to pay for the shipping with donations from @careukcharity Chorlton and Chalbury refugee support.
This morning, our wonderful hope project team unloaded 500 + boxes of sweatpants and sweatshirts.
We are really excited to have these fabulous clothes.
We immediately started unpacking and distributing the clothing to those who visited the hope project today, and these clothes will make a huge difference in the weeks and months ahead.
Thank you to everyone who made this possible.
It is really a fantastic day 🤩.

Donation information:
Bank account:
GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460

Donation page: hope-project.raisely.com

#safeplaceinternational #refugees #refugee #careukchorlton #careuk #careukcharity #RefugeeAid #refugeeaidchorlton #hope #lesvos #notjusthope #refugeeslesvos #levis #humans #humanity #hopeproject #hopeprojectgreece #hopeprojectlesvos #refugeeclothing #refugeehelp

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
99 followers · 27 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today we received 6 amazing pallets of clothing from @hamburgerhilfskonvoi .
We started unpacking them immediately because we were desperate for adult clothing.
We would like to send our thanks to Hamburg Hilfskonvoi for all their support and to everyone involved for making this possible.
The pallets were packed with warm sweaters, trousers, and coats for adults as well as Blankets and shoes
We are so happy that we can now give people warm coats when they visit us, we have been out of stock over the last few weeks.
Only with incredible support like this are we able to continue.

#hamburgerhilfskonvoi #hamburg #hilfsconvoi #hilfe #convoi #hopeproject #lesvos #refugees #refugee #aid #RefugeeAid #refugeehelp #refugeecrisis #RefugeeLivesMatter #refugeerights #refugeeclothes #refugeeclothing #hope #hoping #notjusthope

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
98 followers · 23 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Sometimes thank you is just not enough!
Flüchtlingsrat ulm offer the hope project with incredible support and have done for years.
Every month the cover the rent for the buildings that we use, for us this reassurance and support means a great deal. To know that this money is covered every month is incredible.
Last week they sent us three pallets of brand-new items for women and men.
Supplies have been so short lately that I literally cried when I saw the amazing thing they had sent.
The pallets were packed with trousers for men and women, underwear, shirts and blouses, sweaters and blankets.
Having items like this to give fills the team with joy. I could see the how excited the team was, and how they were so proud to be able to supply such amazing things to their community.
Thank you is never enough
We couldn’t do this without you!

#refugee #refugees #fluchtlingsratulm #fluchtlingsrat #ulm #hopeproject #RefugeeAid #aid #aiddonations #aiddonation #refugeeitems #thankyou #charity #charities #refugeeslesvos #refugeesgreece #refugeehelp #refugeecharity #refugeecharities #notjusthope

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
98 followers · 23 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Would you like to volunteer in Lesvos helping to distribute aid to refugees?
Would you like the opportunity to work together with a dedicated team of refugee volunteers?
We are currently looking for volunteers to help with distribution in the free hope project shop.
Applicants must be over 21, be able to work in a busy environment, have organisational skills and be happy to work as part of a team.
We do not have a minimum or maximum time commitment, but volunteers need to be able support and fund themselves.
If you are interested and want to help, please drop us a message or email us Hopeprojectgreece@outlook.com

#to #volunteers #volunteering #volunteer #refugees #refugee #hopeproject #hopeprojectvolunteers #hope #notjusthope #lesvos #greece #lesvosvolunteers #lesvosvolunteer #refugeevolunteer #refugeevolunteers #volunteeringgreece #volunteergreece #volunteerswanted #volunteersneeded #volunteerposition

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
93 followers · 21 posts · Server kolektiva.social

A small and partial victory at the court today.
After years of waiting for the 22 foreign defendants, all misdemeanour charges were dropped!!
The charges for the 2 greek defendants still stand.
The felony charges are still pending.
Human trafficking , membership of a criminal organization , facilitating entry of migrants into Greece and money laundering.
The whole situation is insane, vague charges brought to shut down humanitarians.
We stand in solidarity with all those facing persecution for saving lives.

#freehumanitarians #SavingLivesIsNotaCrime #notjusthope

Last updated 2 years ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
92 followers · 20 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today we were present at the court of Mytilene to offer solidarity to the 24 humanitarians on trial.
These people are basically being charged with the crime of saving lives.
Trumped up charges including trafficking and espionage.
Years of stress and worry as their trial has been delayed again and again.
Years of not knowing if justice will be upheld.
Once again the day brought little progress and the case has been adjourned until Friday.
More waiting
More stress.
We stand in solidarity with all humanitarians and resources.

persecution of those saving lives is a crime.


#SavingLivesIsNotaCrime #freehumanitarians #notjusthope #freehumanity #dropthecharges #αποσυρσηκατηγοριων #opentheborders #ifhelpingisacrimeweareallcriminals #deathofeuropesvalues #humanity #humanitarian #humanitarians #court #courtcases #refugee #refugees #hope #humabitariancrisis #humanitariancourtcase #humansontrial

Last updated 2 years ago