@alina Granted it would be in your favour if you arranged a pickup date with them beforehand so they can't just deny shit - in case that becomes a legal dispute you'd likely have a better standing before court in the sense that you didn't "violently trespass" but that they inflict damages - if not monetarily then at least emotionally - on you.
But that's #NotLegalAdvice but just life experience...
@alina Well, if you need someone to drive, I have a driving license type B so if it fit's in a 3,5t boxtruck or smaller I could help - espechally if you're close by [NRW, 5**** postal code].
#NotLegalAdvice but unless you can literally name your personal belongings and have reciepts evidencing that they're yours it's quite hard to force them to surrender stuff unless you'd literally press charges for theft and if necessary get the court to side w/u.
@kagan Personally, I just tend to punch the attacker's head from behind.
But that's #NotLegalAdvice and #NotLifeAdvice...
The cirrect response would be to go between them and kick the aggressor out.
#notlifeadvice #notlegaladvice
@jakob_thoboell @GoingNuts @Korallenherz
Was @AufstandLastGen und auch Sie nicht kapieren:
Mit #Cops redet Mensch nur dann, wenn es rechtlich notwendig ist.
#NotLegalAdvice aber jede*r Anwält*in wird einem dazu raten:
#STFU gilt nicht nur am #STFUfriday!
#STFUfriday #stfu #notlegaladvice #cops
@rscottjones @GreenFire @inform880 #NotLegalAdvice but people got cited to fix the bikes and only bush it not ride it for failure to comply.
The only reasons people get away with not doing so more than imthey should be is because there are no licence plates on bikes and it takes cops 30mins to respontld on-site to a call in my hometown.
Also illegally driving a non-road legal scooter is a felony and will get peoples' licenses suspended if not barred from reobtaining if they're repeat offender.
@Labonitamascota weil Rechtsstaatlich Beschränkungen begründet sein müssen.
50/100/400 gibt die Straßengeometrie her, sofern nicht anders aisgeschildert.
Imho wäre 30/50/250 sinnvoller wobei <10% aller Fahrzeuge überhaupt eine zugelassene Höcjstgeschwindigkeit gem. Fahrzeugschein >130km/h haben und weniger als 1% über 250 d.h. die Allgemeingültogkeit eines Tempolimits fraglich ist.
Ais femselb Grund ist die KK-MPi69 auch nur eine verbotene Waffe und keine Kriegswaffe...
In the meantime I'm looking how high of a lift kit and tire size can be legally obtained and installed on a Jeep, cuz if I just drive over them without running them over then that's not a felony I guess...?
@kevinrothrock One cannot deadname a corporation or app.
An App or Company doesn't have personality rights, unlike the people that #ApartheidEmeraldBoy and his heterocisbinarysexist fans are harassing en masse...
#NotLegalAdvice but I've yet to see anyone getting sued successfully for " #deadnaming a corporation ",,,
#deadnaming #notlegaladvice #apartheidemeraldboy
@karl @malwaretech I'm just doing #NotLegalAdvice here... ^^
@Life_is @AufstandLastGen Das wäre ja gegen #Buchführungspflichten gem. #GoBD & #HGB verboten.
Wohingegen dank #ViewKey auch #Monero :monero: compliant benutzbar ist.
#notfinancialadvicee #notlegaladvice #monero #viewkey #HGB #gobd #buchfuhrungspflichten
Personally, I'd just use all ways to go with #AML regulations on their nerves...
After all, it's their fuckup and they've demonstrated to be assholes to you so you don't have to be nice to them either...
#NotLegalAdvice tho
Needless to say that you've to comply with #AML and thus can request at least the same amount of #KYC to enshure you're not being abused as a "mule" to launder money.
This may include freezing said balance, requiring fees every step of the process that will be deducted from said amount and requiring in-person scheduled pickups by them with mandatory wait in advance.
#NotLegalAdvice but #PaymentProcessors do that stuff all the time...
#paymentprocessors #notlegaladvice #kyc #aml
@malwaretech If you had withdrawn that money in Germany, they could not undo that.
Also #SEPA wire transfers are final...
#NotLegalAdvice but if you had spent that money you may be incapable of returning it.
OFC that only works if you spent it BEFORE they successfully contacted you...
@oliverknabe @CCitiesOrg #NameThemBlameThem - kein #Täterschutz!
Kennzeichen sind anonym genug...
Würde eher die Polizei Rufen und verlangen dass diese jene Verkehrsbehinderungen entfernen lässt...
#notlegaladvice #taterschutz #namethemblamethem
@davidhaller @bernardlyons @bsi @Nonya_Bidniss @BNetzA @verbraucherzentrale
What does violate it is the fact that they choose a provider in an overseas juristiction where compliance with #GDPR isn't even pro-forma assumed [if you think any of those #CloudAct-ignoring legal figleafs re: USA count as such!]
Thus enforcement of #DataProtection rights isn't even assumeable.
#notlegaladvice #dataprotection #cloudact #gdpr
@wxcafe #Adobe literally choose to discontinue the One-Time - Purchase #CreativeSuite solely because they'd have to accept #UsedSoftware sales in #Germany regardless if disc-bound, online-download or whatever [1st sale doctrine] and actively tried to curb on that #ConsumerRight.
#Funfact: If you have no legitimate license to said tools, the licensee [Adobe in this case] automatically gets the copyright to said works in lieu of license payments...
#notlegaladvice #fuckeduplegalsystem #funfact #consumerright #Germany #usedsoftware #CreativeSuite #adobe
@kaia Yes, because that shit is so illegal I'm surprised @verbraucherzentrale hasn't sought a permanent injunction against :birdsite: :twitter: for this illegal request of personal information that violates so many parts of #BDSG & #GDPR that it is basically illegal on it's own.
@fuchsiii @nixCraft which is based off the fact that in Germamy, all works of natural persons have copyright unless not copyrightable and only natural persons can create copyrightable works that only natural or legal persons can possess, license or administrate in terms of licensing.
"AI" lacks personhood both naturally and legally, thus cannot create anything that falls under it.