The #NotMyCat seems quite cosy. #CatsOfMastodon #MastoCats
#notmycat #catsofmastodon #mastocats
The wandering nomad is back... 😳
Looking in the kitchen door and meowing a lot(!)
#NotMyCat #Cat #CatsOfMastodon
#notmycat #cat #catsofmastodon
Working from home has been fun for the #NotMyCat, it's enjoyed a day mostly asleep on the bed! #Cat #CatsOfMastodon #MastoCat
#notmycat #cat #catsofmastodon #mastocat
This isn’t my cat, but how do I tell the cat! Haha #caturday #notmycat #catsofmastadon
#caturday #notmycat #catsofmastadon
The #NotMyCat is just coming in every time the window is open now, we're away over the weekend so I don't know what he'll do.
#DiCatairne Thachair mi ri mòran cait càirdeil anns a' Bhreatainn-Bheag. Cha b' e an cat seo ann am Vitré aon dhiubh. Cha robh e/i ag iarraidh tighinn mo fhàilteachadh (agus tha sin gu buileach ceart gu leòr - cha robh mise brònach, b' e thusa a bha brònach :blobcat_crying:), mar sin thog mi dealbh bhon taobh eile an rathaid.
#Caturday #NotMyCat #MastoCait #Chamedi
#chamedi #mastocait #notmycat #caturday #dicatairne
Sleepy time. We’ve been adopted. So cute. #notmycat #caterday #cat #catsofmastodon
#notmycat #caterday #cat #catsofmastodon
A rèir choltais, 's e #BlackCatAppreciationDay (anns na SA co-dhiù), mar sin seo cat dubh na h-abaide rìoghail Épau anns an Le Mans san Fhraing a-rithist. #HistoryCats #MastoCait #CatsOfMastodon #NotMyCat #TongueOutThursday
#TongueOutThursday #notmycat #catsofmastodon #mastocait #historycats #blackcatappreciationday