How long has King Knobhead been in league with the dark side (Tory movers and shakers)?
When he destroyed the life of a sacrificial lamb in the guise of a princess and future queen? When he continued his scurrilous affair with the Trollope that undermined his marriage? When he waited for his mother to die before raising the Trollope to queen. Or when he brought his nonce brother back in to the fold. #NotMyKing #NotMyRoyalFamily #Spongers
#notmyking #notmyroyalfamily #spongers
@riggs7sct He contributed to the death of his wife. He married the doxy he was having an affair with before during and after Diana. Then he made her queen. #NotMyKing #NotMyRoyalFamily #AbolishTheMonarchy
Take back our hard earned taxes.
#notmyking #notmyroyalfamily #AbolishTheMonarchy
I despair, queen Trollope is to get a birthday gun salute. #NOTMYROYALFAMILY
Yesterday while enjoying a cup of tea. The ITV news was on; I nearly spat my tea out when the presenter said the Queen has visited Wimbledon today. I thought fuck me, ‘SHE HAS RISEN’! Then the penny dropped and I realised they were talking about Charlie boys Trollope. #NotMyRoyalFamily #RoyalScroungers
#notmyroyalfamily #royalscroungers
Nice of Charlie to turn his heating down especially as he takes 86.3 million of tax payers money. Perhaps it’s time for him and his entourage to fuck off and live in a council house. We would still be paying for him, but considerably less. #NotMyRoyalFamily
Todays proceedings: I could understand if it were the 60’s, 70’s or even the 80’s, but 2023???
How do the movers and shakers manage to hypnotise a nation; £250,000,000 on a bloke who has done nothing to deserve it, to wear a fancy hat. All while people are struggling to put food on their tables and pay essential bills. The U.K. and all of its citizens should hang their heads in shame. #NotMyRoyalFamily
I am a church going Christian, but I don’t want to ram my views and choices down anyone else’s throat. So why may I ask are school children being fed a diet of royal hypocrisy in schools. From reception up it appears to be mandatory to create something to celebrate the royal farce. No mention whatsoever of the debauchery, paedophilic, inbreeding and a king and queen well acquainted with adultery. What fabulous role models. #NotMyRoyalFamily.
Apparently, #PrinceAndrew is to take a minimal role in the king's #Coronation.
He'll probably be off doing something else and not sweating while he does it.
#getrid #notmyroyalfamily #NotMyKing #Coronation #princeandrew