It's maddening the last 3 lifetime appointments to #SCOTUS, each with peculiar circumstances surrounding their backgrounds (a drunk, a gadfly and an handmaid walk into a bar), *and* their politics, were put on the bench by a twice-impeached, 4-times indicted (and counting) POTUS, a Chair/Ranking democrat with advanced dementia, and a republican Senate Majority/minority Leader who can't reliably talk or stand up. Are you kidding me? Seriously?
#doubtingthomas #notmyscotus #justiceorclownshow #SCOTUS
Yep, the same John Roberts with the grifter/headhunter wife and the very same guy who couldn't even recite the oath of office for Obama's inauguration. We can do better, indeed we must!
#notmySCOTUS #RobertsRulesofDisorderandGrift
#robertsrulesofdisorderandgrift #notmyscotus
Still boggles the mind that SCOTUS thinks it even has "standing" to review Biden's student loan forgiveness policy. Just boggles the mind. If only those loans were dark money investments in RWNJ campaigns?
#screwtus #scrotus #notmyscotus
Feels a bit like the SCOTUS is cancelling my life these days. Waiting til they outlaw Rock and Roll amd gardening? Don't laugh, these wealthy white (mostly Catholic) men, and their chia pets, are crazy as loons and squeeze every grudge for all the blood its worth.
#CrazySCOTUS #notmySCOTUS #AlitoHubris
#alitohubris #notmyscotus #crazyscotus
Good morning Sunday, and another morning under a corrupt #SCOTUS
#notmyscotus #scotusbribes #SCOTUS
Alito's all about unborn babies, even as he murders Rachel Carson day after day after day. The guy is a disordered monster and he's got a lifetime post to our Supreme Court. We have to stop him before he kills us all.
#notmySCOTUS #opusdei #falsepiety #HEISWRONG #SilentSpring -- lookitup
#silentspring #heiswrong #falsepiety #opusdei #notmyscotus
Our current Supreme Court feels like a place where Opus Dei fanatics can go to hang with their Taliban counterparts to divvy up the world and agree on the most strenuous interpretation of commandments men should hold women to. You know a kind of solidarity of the black robes?
#OpusDei #Taliban #RobertsCourt #notmySCOTUS
#notmyscotus #robertscourt #taliban #opusdei
Oh to die of consumption the wretch,
Not TB but grift and gluttony and whatever he could catch
Scalia, Nino good ol boy,
The lucky of us, the truth? Are those who hardly knew ya
#notmySCOTUS #NinoNinoNino
The Supreme Whores of the Land dress in black robes, smoke free Cubans, and never have to buy their own dinner it seems! Justice is just a trick!
#notmySCOTUS #SCOTUSCorrupt #SCOTUSGrift
#scotusgrift #scotuscorrupt #notmyscotus
Articles today say "Alito thinks he knows", and that just about sums up the country's problem with liddle Sammie, the blatantly false premise underlying all of his opinions, that being that he thinks he knows. smdh
#notmySCOTUS #SCOTUSCorrupt
#alitohubris #scotuscorrupt #notmyscotus
"Neil ’40-Acres and a Fool’ Gorsuch" (h/t Mock, Paper, Scissors) is one of our Supreme Court Justices, so a person you would expect to be beyond reproach, unimpeachable (hold that thought), exemplary, pure as the driven snow even! Think again. He's a shameless crook, that fancies himself a super smart guy, when he's not even all that clever? Go figure.
#notmySCOTUS #RWNJ #MAGAt #illegitimateSCOTUS #RobertsRulesofDisorderandGrift #cheapcrooks
#cheapcrooks #robertsrulesofdisorderandgrift #IllegitimateSCOTUS #magat #rwnj #notmyscotus
Here's hoping liddle Sammy Alito gets his homework done on time today, and more importantly, gets the answers right this time! hint, hint, he can always ask the 3 libs for the answers? SCOTUS is on the clock, so here's hoping they can put the grift down long enough to actually get it right!
#mullahs #notmySCOTUS
Seems Clarence's time cosplayin a Supreme Court Justice, giggle giggle, it's almost too funny to be believed as being actually true, but yet, sadly, horrifyingly, he is, and one day soon, he will be a "was", has come to an end? Please, let it be so?
#SCOTUS #ImpeachClarence #notmySCOTUS
#notmyscotus #impeachclarence #SCOTUS
Funny pairing of SCOTUS trends recently where their so-called great questions doctrine is joined by a new concern for fairness in their legal analysis. WAZZUP? They'd like you to think they're smart but look at the evidence? All grift and no smart!
Curious to see how #Kavanaugh rules on student debt? He's no slouch when it comes to experience at having your personal debt forgiven! Makes $10 and $20k numbers seem like spare change
#grace #pov #notmyscotus #perspective
#perspective #notmyscotus #pov #grace #kavanaugh
Justice Alito Discovers Life is Not Fair? The Horrors. W.T.F.????
Today's supreme court oral arguments on Biden/student loan forgiveness was a circlejerk of conservative (so-called) poppycock, an almost surreal event. Worthy of an SNL sketch or 10, an Onion headline or 6 and a pox on this runaway court.
#originalism #ayatollahs #notmySCOTUS
#notmyscotus #Ayatollahs #Originalism