@TruthSandwich I get it now. You’re an idiot and a fascist. Your sole intention is to demoralize. #Fediblock #Block #NotNice
A photo I took then creatively added what my mind was trying to portray.
Created 2016
#GasLighting #NotNice
#Raven #WordOfTheYear #MerriamWebster
#gaslighting #notnice #raven #wordoftheyear #merriamwebster
There are many people on social media including #mastadon that have good intentions. They're not aiming to cause offense or be prejudiced against anyone. For the sake of brevity - these types of people have good intentions #personalites. Colloquially, "their hearts are in the right "place" 💕
But, there are some horrible people #sociopathology. Some, but not most, people on social media including #mastadon have some very bad intentions. They have an agenda that is nothing to do with #justice. They have personal problems #psychology that cause them to *not* want to treat people fairly (at all).
Psychologically, we can say they have an extreme form of #PersonalityDisorder #cruelty.
However, there is help available. People with personality disorders experience abnormal #antisocial thoughts and behaviors that keep them from functioning as well as they should #UnderStatement https://www.apa.org/topics/personality-disorders/help
To keep this toot on focus, the type of bad agents this toot is referring to spread disinformation #lies #propaganda. They intentionally spread lies and try to deceive people #NotNice!
There are many examples of #disinformation. #greenwash is one example.
Another form of disinformation is a type of toot - that some people are tooting that is "fishing" to accuse people of #racism.
These "fishing" toots can also take many forms. However, I will describe the general "fishing" pattern I have observed so readers can more effectively recognize them.
1. A toot is posted that features words that are an explicit form of #racism #prejudice
An example toot, "*color* people do not reply to this! But, you can boost it! "color" people you have a #racist problem that you should reflect upon!".
I'd advise well-intended people - do *not* reply to these types of *fishing* toots. Whatever you say, it will be *twisted* & used to accuse you of racism.
Furthermore, it would seem that some mastodon #admin either can not recognize the obvious intentions of these "fishing" toots - or, for reasons I will not describe here - don't care #scicomm #admin.
In summary - there are some shitty people on social media. However, due to the #fediverse network structure - well-intended people can help to regulate the network and make mastodon a welcoming place.
So, if you do read a "fishing" toot, please don't simply ignore it. #report those tooters to the admin. If the admin has some brains and ethical values - they will delete the toot and ban or mute the tooters #admins #instance.
If the admin to not take this appropriate action - and even take the "fishing" tooters side and says *you* should *reflect* on your problems - *Criticize* the admin in "public" on the instance - and then leave the instance! Though, before I had time to leave the #scicomm instance - my account was frozen.
Thanks for the favor scicomm.xyz. It's better to learn sooner, rather than later, how your mastodon instance admins moderates racism (or not)
#SelfRegulation #ethics #CaringForOneAnother #good #emotions #regulation #SelfControl #motivation #ExecutiveFunctioning #SelfTalk #metacognition
#mastadon #personalites #SocioPathology #PersonalityDisorder #cruelty #justice #psychology #antisocial #understatement #lies #propaganda #notnice #disinformation #greenwash #racism #prejudice #racist #admin #scicomm #fediverse #report #admins #instance #selfregulation #ethics #CaringForOneAnother #good #emotions #regulation #selfcontrol #motivation #executivefunctioning #selftalk #metacognition
There are many people on social media including #mastadon that have good intentions. They're not aiming to cause offense or be prejudiced against anyone. For the sake of brevity - these types of people have good intentions #personalites. Colloquially, "their hearts are in the right "place" 💕
But, there are some horrible people #sociopathology. Some, but not most, people on social media including #mastadon have some very bad intentions. They have an agenda that is nothing to do with #justice. They have personal problems #psychology that cause them to *not* want to treat people fairly (at all).
Psychologically, we can say they have an extreme form of #PersonalityDisorder #cruely.
However, there is help available. People with personality disorders experience abnormal #antisocial thoughts and behaviors that keep them from functioning as well as they should #UnderStatement https://www.apa.org/topics/personality-disorders/help
To keep this toot on focus, the type of bad agents this toot is referring to spread disinformation #lies #propaganda. They intentionally spread lies and try to deceive people #NotNice!
There are many examples of #disinformation. #greenwash is one example.
Another form of disinformation is a type of toot - that some people are tooting that is "fishing" to accuse people of #racism.
These "fishing" toots can also take many forms. However, I will describe the general "fishing" pattern I have observed so readers can more effectively recognize them.
1. A toot is posted that features words that are an explicit form of #racism #prejudice
An example toot, "*color* people do not reply to this! But, you can boost it! "color" people you have a #racist problem that you should reflect upon!".
I'd advise well-intended people - do *not* reply to these types of *fishing* toots. Whatever you say, it will be *twisted* & used to accuse you of racism.
Furthermore, it would seem that some mastodon #admin either can not recognize the obvious intentions of these "fishing" toots - or, for reasons I will not describe here - don't care #scicomm #admin.
In summary - there are some shitty people on social media. However, due to the #fediverse network structure - well-intended people can help to regulate the network and make mastodon a welcoming place.
So, if you do read a "fishing" toot, please don't simply ignore it. #report those tooters to the admin. If the admin has some brains and ethical values - they will delete the toot and ban or mute the tooters #admins #instance.
If the admin to not take this appropriate action - and even take the "fishing" tooters side and says *you* should *reflect* on your problems - *Criticize* the admin in "public" on the instance - and then leave the instance! Though, before I had time to leave the #scicomm instance - my account was frozen.
Thanks for the favor scicomm.xyz. It's better to learn sooner, rather than later, how your mastodon instance admins moderates racism (or not)
#justice #psychology #PersonalityDisorder #lies #propaganda #notnice #disinformation #greenwash #racism #admin #mastadon #cruely #antisocial #understatement #prejudice #racist #scicomm #fediverse #admins #personalites #SocioPathology #report #instance #selfregulation #ethics #CaringForOneAnother #good
There are many people on social media including #mastadon that have good intentions. They're not aiming to cause offense or be prejudiced against anyone. For the sake of brevity - these types of people have good intentions #personalites. Colloquially, "their hearts are in the right "place" 💕
But, there are some horrible people #sociopathology. Some, but not most, people on social media including #mastadon have some very bad intentions. They have an agenda that is nothing to do with #justice. They have personal problems #psychology that cause them to *not* want to treat people fairly (at all).
Psychologically, we can say they have an extreme form of #PersonalityDisorder #cruely.
However, there is help available. People with personality disorders experience abnormal #antisocial thoughts and behaviors that keep them from functioning as well as they should #UnderStatement https://www.apa.org/topics/personality-disorders/help
To keep this toot on focus, the type of bad agents this toot is referring to spread disinformation #lies #propaganda. They intentionally spread lies and try to deceive people #NotNice!
There are many examples of #disinformation. #greenwash is one example.
Another form of disinformation is a type of toot - that some people are tooting that is "fishing" to accuse people of #racism.
These "fishing" toots can also take many forms. However, I will describe the general "fishing" pattern I have observed so readers can more effectively recognize them.
1. A toot is posted that features words that are an explicit form of #racism #prejudice
An example toot, "*color* people do not reply to this! But, you can boost it! "color" people you have a #racist problem that you should reflect upon!".
I'd advise well-intended people - do *not* reply to these types of *fishing* toots. Whatever you say, it will be *twisted* & used to accuse you of racism.
Furthermore, it would seem that some mastodon #admin either can not recognize the obvious intentions of these "fishing" toots - or, for reasons I will not describe here - don't care #scicomm #admin.
In summary - there are some shitty people on social media. However, due to the #fediverse network structure - well-intended people can help to regulate the network and make mastodon a welcoming place.
So, if you do read a "fishing" toot, please don't simply ignore it. #report those tooters to the admin. If the admin has some brains and ethical values - they will delete the toot and ban or mute the tooters #admins #instance.
If the admin to not take this appropriate action - and even take the "fishing" tooters side and says *you* should *reflect* on your problems - *Criticize* the admin in "public" on the instance - and then leave the instance! Though, before I had time to leave the #scicomm instance - my account was frozen.
Thanks for the favor scicomm.xyz. It's better to learn sooner, rather than later, how your mastodon instance admins moderates racism (or not)
#justice #psychology #PersonalityDisorder #cruely #antisocial #understatement #lies #propaganda #notnice #disinformation #greenwash #racism #prejudice #racist #admin #instance #selfregulation #ethics #CaringForOneAnother #good #personalites #SocioPathology #scicomm #fediverse #report #admins #mastadon
There are many people on social media including #mastadon that have good intentions. They're not aiming to cause offense or be prejudiced against anyone. For the sake of brevity - these types of people have good intentions #personalites. Colloquially, "their hearts are in the right "place" 💕
But, there are some horrible people #sociopathology. Some, but not most, people on social media including #mastadon have some very bad intentions. They have an agenda that is nothing to do with #justice. They have personal problems #psychology that cause them to *not* want to treat people fairly (at all).
Psychologically, we can say they have an extreme form of #PersonalityDisorder #cruely.
However, there is help available. People with personality disorders experience abnormal #antisocial thoughts and behaviors that keep them from functioning as well as they should #UnderStatement https://www.apa.org/topics/personality-disorders/help
To keep this toot on focus, the type of bad agents this toot is referring to spread disinformation #lies #propaganda. They intentionally spread lies and try to deceive people #NotNice!
There are many examples of #disinformation. #greenwash is one example.
Another form of disinformation is a type of toot - that some people are tooting that is "fishing" to accuse people of #racism.
These "fishing" toots can also take many forms. However, I will describe the general "fishing" pattern I have observed so readers can more effectively recognize them.
1. A toot is posted that features words that are an explicit form of #racism #prejudice
An example toot, "*color* people do not reply to this! But, you can boost it! "color" people you have a #racist problem that you should reflect upon!".
I'd advise well-intended people - do *not* reply to these types of *fishing* toots. Whatever you say, it will be *twisted* & used to accuse you of racism.
Furthermore, it would seem that some mastodon #admin either can not recognize the obvious intentions of these "fishing" toots - or, for reasons I will not describe here - don't care #scicomm #admin.
In summary - there are some shitty people on social media. However, due to the #fediverse network structure - well-intended people can help to regulate the network and make mastodon a welcoming place.
So, if you do read a "fishing" toot, please don't simply ignore it. #report those tooters to the admin. If the admin has some brains and ethical values - they will delete the toot and ban or mute the tooters #admins #instance.
If the admin to not take this appropriate action - and even take the "fishing" tooters side and says *you* should *reflect* on your problems.
Criticize the admin in "public" on the instance - and then leave the instance. Though, before I had time to leave the #scicomm instance - my account was frozen.
Thanks for the favor scicomm.xyz. It's better to learn sooner, rather than later, how your mastodon instance admins moderates racism (or not)
#personalites #notnice #admin #mastadon #justice #disinformation #greenwash #selfregulation #SocioPathology #psychology #PersonalityDisorder #instance #cruely #antisocial #prejudice #scicomm #CaringForOneAnother #understatement #fediverse #good #lies #propaganda #racism #racist #report #admins #ethics
RT @padeluun@twitter.com
E-Scooter: „Nicht nur für die Betreiber, auch die Kommunen und Behörden können, sofern sie die Rahmenbedingungen schaffen, Zugriff auf die Daten nehmen und feststellen, wo welche Geräte sind und was mit ihnen gemacht wird.“ | #notnice https://www.stern.de/auto/service/e-scooter--warum-es-keine-berge-von-scooter-muell-geben-wird-8729796.html
RT @CoraliePROSPER@twitter.com: La préfécture de Nice refuse de délivrer une carte de séjour à ma femme après plus de deux ans de silence radio et lui laisse jusqu'au 30 septembre pour quitter la France. Injustice. Nous ne nous laisserons pas faire.
Histoire complète : https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2169477690042991&id=100009423446175 … #NotNice
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CoraliePROSPER/status/1037343671505575936
RT @RACHEL0948@twitter.com: 最近の私です。
#NotNice で拡散してくださると更に嬉しいです。
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RACHEL0948/status/1037359199783727106
RT @RACHEL0948@twitter.com: I just want to stay with my love with the right status in her country, that’s it.
I would be happy if you read it.
Please tweet/ retweet it with #NotNice,
I would be more happy.
Now, I am facing to a big problem.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RACHEL0948/status/1037417633740713986