Outrageous! This is not what education is for. It's high time we reform our education system to foster respect and understanding, not encourage violence and discrimination. Our children deserve better! #EducationReform #NoToHate https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/agra/private-school-teacher-encourages-students-to-slap-classmate-in-ups-muzaffarnagar-stirs-row/articleshow/103071257.cms
#NoToHate - "La lutte contre « l’ère sombre de l’intolérance » commence par l’éradication des discours de haine
Du racisme institutionnel au génocide, les racines sont les mêmes, selon des personnes en première ligne du changement qui ont partagé leurs histoires avec ONU Info en amont de la Journée internationale de la lutte contre les discours de haine, célébrée dimanche."
Сука, знов?
RT @UN@twitter.com
Hate speech and disinformation can spread like wildfire, both online & offline.
We all have a part to play in stopping it in its tracks.
Amplify facts, call out mis- and disinformation, and educate yourself & others to say #NoToHate.
Вони буквально тролять
RT @UN@twitter.com
Hate speech online can cause harm in real life.
Say #NoToHate:
💠 Make your social feeds a no-hate zone.
💠 Check facts before sharing.
💠 Tackle hate by sharing messages of tolerance & equality.
💠 Support those targeted by hate speech.
RT @jstreetdotorg@twitter.com
"For the first time in my life, I protested yesterday against an Israeli government official," writes @USJewishDems@twitter.com CEO @HalieSoifer@twitter.com on her participation in the #NoToSmotrich #NoToHate rally last night.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jstreetdotorg/status/1635284266572746755
Tomorrow is #nationaldayofhate, that being said, we do reject hate and bigotry in all its forms and stand united against those who seek to divide us. Join us in spreading positivity and kindness, and let's build a better future together! #NoToHate #SpreadLove #InclusionMatters #Trudell4CALove
#nationaldayofhate #notohate #spreadlove #inclusionmatters #trudell4calove
"Denouncing Alex Jones' anti-Black sentiment today is crucial, but we must also reject his dangerous rhetoric that conflates patriotism with hatred and bigotry. True patriotism is about love for our fellow citizens, regardless of race, religion, or background. We must stand together against all forms of hate and discrimination.
#blacklivesmatter #notohate #unityoverhate
RT @CPSUK@twitter.com
⚽ Everyone deserves to watch football without experiencing discrimination.
Homophobic abuse at the game or on social media can amount to a #HateCrime and could result in you being banned from watching your team play.
Say no to homophobia.
#hatecrime #notohate #dontcrosstheline
RT @ChelseaPride_@twitter.com
Our official statement on the news The FA has now informed all clubs that it considers the ‘Rent Boy’ chant to be a breach of FA Rules.
#NoToHate | #TimeForChange | #RetireTheChant | #LGBTQ+
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ChelseaPride_/status/1613240311098052608
#notohate #timeforchange #retirethechant #lgbtq
RT @UNGeneva
Hate speech online can cause harm in real life.
Say #NoToHate:
💠 Make your social feeds a no hate zone.
💠 Check facts before sharing.
💠 Challenge hate by sharing messages of tolerance & equality.
💠 Support those targeted by hate speech.
Here a spaceboi speaking point for you
Words can be weapons.
Hate speech online can lead to cruelty & violence in real life.
Get tips for how you can say #NoToHate: https://un.org/en/hate-speech/take-action/engage
RT @antonioguterres@twitter.com
No matter what it looks like, hate speech online can cause harm in real life.
Learn how you can take action and say #NoToHate.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/antonioguterres/status/1595598080417464320
RT @antonioguterres@twitter.com
No matter what it looks like, hate speech online can cause harm in real life.
Learn how you can take action and say #NoToHate.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/antonioguterres/status/1595598080417464320
:nd: :heart_pride: #StandWithOslo #NoToHate #LondonPub 😢😱
#StandWithOslo #notohate #LondonPub
:nd: :heart_pride: #StandWithOslo #NoToHate #LondonPub 😢😱
#StandWithOslo #notohate #LondonPub
Hate speech requires holistic responses, including responses that address structural discrimination and inequality. #NotoHate #ChallengeHateOnline
Hate speech practice is connected to power and abuse of power. Hate speech is a symptom of systematic violence, marginalisation or oppression that some people face more than others. #NotoHate #ChallengeHateOnline
#notohate #ChallengeHateOnline
ヘイトスピーチに対応するためには、被害を受けたコミュニティが自分たちの物語を作り、伝え、広める能力を高めることが重要である。#NotoHate #ChallengeHateOnline
フィリピンを拠点とする@fma_phは、フィリピンにおけるヘイトとヘイトスピーチへの理解を深めるために、ヘイトスピーチに関するコミックを作成しました。その中で、ヘイトスピーチは通常、女性やマイノリティグループをターゲットにしています。このコミックは、@GenderITorgで公開され、女性やマイノリティグループの語りにスポットを当てています。(リンクは6月15日にこちらで共有されます) #NotoHate #ChallengeHateOnline
#notohate #ChallengeHateOnline
ヘイトスピーチの実践は、権力や権力の乱用と結びついている。ヘイトスピーチは、ある人々が他の人々より多く直面している組織的な暴力、疎外、抑圧の症状です。#NotoHate #ChallengeHateOnline
コンテンツを規制するための法律を起草するよう、各州に求める声は多くあります。しかし、多くのマイノリティや脆弱なコミュニティにとって、彼らのアイデンティティそのものが国家によって犯罪化されています。このような場合、規制は結果的にマイノリティのリスクを高め、犯罪化することになりかねません。#NotoHate #ChallengeHateOnline
ヘイトスピーチの伝播は、しばしば組織的、計画的、プレハブ的に行われます。より良い世界を想像するための必須条件として、それに対処するためのカウンターオーガナイザー戦略が必要なのです。(ヘイトスピーチに関する考察より: www.apc.org/en/node/38095) #NotoHate #ChallengeHateOnline
#notohate #ChallengeHateOnline