Words can be weapons. 💥
Hate speech online can lead to cruelty & violence in real life.
#notohate #notohatespeech #notohaters #notoracism #notohatecrimes #notohatejustlove #love #loveislove #loveyou #loveyourself #loveyou #notofake #notofakes #notofakenews #fakenews #unesco #education #Science #weapons #listening #empathy #empathymatters #empathyforlife #empathyiseverything #respect #respectfully #respeito #odio #discurso #discursodeodio #Photography #Photo #cartoon
#Cartoon #Photo #Photography #discursodeodio #discurso #odio #respeito #respectfully #Respect #empathyiseverything #empathyforlife #empathymatters #empathy #listening #weapons #Science #Education #unesco #fakenews #NoToFakeNews #notofakes #notofake #loveyourself #loveyou #LoveIsLove #love #notohatejustlove #NoToHateCrimes #notoracism #notohaters #notohatespeech #NoToHate
#HateSpeech promotes intolerance and incites violence. Christian @strippel, Sünje Paasch-Colberg, Martin Emmer and Joachim Trebbe published 26 texts on current issues & latest developments in international hate speech research. Free Download: https://t1p.de/ugxik
#notohate #notohatespeech
#HateSpeech #NoToHate #notohatespeech
“We have to take a more concerted, non-punitive, and beyond legalistic efforts to address the prevalence of hate speech.”
“We learned it is very difficult to counter hate speech as it happens, so we have to think about measures to protect affected groups as well as preemptive narratives.”
“Coordinated [social media] accounts can fill the space with racial narratives, but it was the general netizens who gave ‘oxygen’ to the posts by sharing and amplifying them.”
“Observing the appeal of TikTok in helping Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s narratives to claim power, we replaced Instagram with TikTok. I think this is one of the smartest moves we made.”
“It’s scary that young, first-time voters are grappling to shape their political beliefs and what they are able to hold on to is hate.”
@whataboutzana interviews @CIJ_Malaysia for APC (Part I):