I just realised my knitting / yarn match the sofa cushions perfectly.
#HandDyedYarn #knitting
#fiberart #knitting #handdyedYarn #notonpurpose
We accidentally set free a demi-good demon tonight.
Now the 2 old angel-types demand we stop him.
#pathfinder2e #notonpurpose #adventuringishard #rpgtabletop
Today, at 14h, I started my class on #Venezuela while #Iran national football team stayed silent before their anthem. Half an hour later, having some time to discuss press treatment of the Venezuelian case, I took the example of the Chavez-Ahmadinejad meeting, whose speeches were twisted by French press. #notonpurpose #notwatchingWorldCup #CassandraMoments
#venezuela #iran #notonpurpose #notwatchingworldcup #cassandramoments