It’s no joke. Noto Peninsula is the epicenter of the quake therefore the #NotoQuake2023 hashtag. It is a major quake.
M6.3 quake hits Japan's Ishikawa Pref.; no tsunami threat - The Mainichi
#NotoQuake2023 #Earthquake #quake #Noto #Ishikawa #Japan
#notoquake2023 #earthquake #quake #noto #ishikawa #japan
According to multiple news outlets the #NotoQuake2023 was a magnitude 6.3 and shindo 6+ at the tip of the #Noto Peninsula in #Ishikawa Prefecture, #Japan. There is no #tsunami warning fortunately.
#notoquake2023 #noto #ishikawa #japan #tsunami
Asahi TV has a good report on the #NotoQuake2023 now.
#Earthquake #Quake #Japan #Ishikawa #Noto
石川・珠洲市、高屋漁港、輪島市の地震発生の瞬間映像 https://news.tv-asahi.co.jp/news_society/articles/000298099.html
#notoquake2023 #earthquake #quake #japan #ishikawa #noto
Nagano - Kanazawa Shinkansen has been closed indefinitely due to the #NotoQuake2023 according to NHK
北陸新幹線 地震の影響 金沢・長野間 運転見合わせ | NHK
#notoquake2023 #quake #ishikawa #japan
NHK English also has #NotoQuake2023 news up now.
#notoquake2023 #quake #japan #ishikawa #noto
I spoke with my friends at Wajima, by the epicenter. They are fine. Apparently the quake was very strong.
NHK has video news now.
#NotoQuake2023 #Ishikawa #Quake #Japan
#notoquake2023 #ishikawa #quake #japan