jiujensu · @jiujensu
12 followers · 16 posts · Server kolektiva.social

at the kids school again. I guess i'll write another letter. It won't do anything; i don't matter. But i feel like i need to give feedback. There's got to be someone who cares.

When I've talked about (against) police checkpoints or cops in schools on Nextdoor or Facebook, to try to talk about it with people in my community, try to find SOMEONE who has my point of view, they just respond disappointingly and predictably like - "ha! good! that means they're doing their jobs," along with some not very creative insults for me.

It's depressing. And it seems like no one else is worried about this:(

#drugdogs #DefundThePolice #NOCOPSinSCHOOLS #notosro #nopolice #NoPoliceInSchools

Last updated 2 years ago