I really don't know what to say any more. It's his third visit today. I'm pushing boundaries.
#humba #notourcat #catsofmastodon #everydayiscaturday
He's back again.
The collar indicates his name is Humba. O... K... I think it's a silly name, but whatever. He definitely responds differently to his given name than to #PharaohSchoko.
There's also a (nearby) address and phone number.
The Pharaoh Schoko hashtag is no more.
#pharaohschoko #humba #notourcat #catsofmastodon #everydayiscaturday
The cleaning crew hath arriven once more.
#PharaohSchoko #NotOurCat #CatsOfMastodon #EveryDayIsCaturday
#pharaohschoko #notourcat #catsofmastodon #everydayiscaturday
Hey! π I did put a warning on it! π€£
We always have (good) noshes about.
It's also why we get so many #NotOurCat.
I ran into Mr Scraggly, too. Name is tentative.
#mrscraggly #notourcat #catsofmastodon #everydayiscaturday
Pharaoh Schoko guards the Zuckerberg Gate.
#PharaohSchoko #NotOurCat #CatsOfMastodon #EveryDayIsCaturday
#pharaohschoko #notourcat #catsofmastodon #everydayiscaturday
π€£ He's ba.ack!
I closed the kitchen door, and he's trapped in here with me. Mwa ha ha!
#pharaohschoko #notourcat #everydayiscaturday
Home again, home again, jiggity jig.
I met #PharaohSchoko on the way to the moat, and #SchwarzerPeter on the way home.
Both in the alley leading to the Zuckerberg (no relation) Gate.
Both are #NotOurCat visitors to Chez Blippy; often enough that we've given them names. π We have the "good" cat food.
#pharaohschoko #schwarzerpeter #notourcat #catsofmastodon #everydayiscaturday
While I am the main contributor to #NotOurCat, there are others, π€£ but ya gotta wade through several metric tons of #PharaohSchoko to find 'em.
I agree, and also have a desire to see more than just my own unowned interlopers.
Shopping completed, chillin' in the park across from the women's gym.
I met another #NotOurCat in my travels, whom I've seen in our kitchen before. Behold.
#Bloomscrolling #CatsOfMastodon
#Engentado II #EveryDayIsCaturday
#notourcat #bloomscrolling #catsofmastodon #engentado #everydayiscaturday
Shopping completed, chillin' in the park across from the women's gym. I met another #NotOurCat that I've seen in our kitchen. Behold the "long hair Cleo clone," who looks nothing like Cleo.
He's ba.ack!
#PharaohSchoko #NotOurCat #EveryDayIsCaturday
#pharaohschoko #notourcat #everydayiscaturday
Pharaoh Schoko comes by to clean up the leftovers once again. π€£
#PharaohSchoko #NotOurCat #EveryDayIsCaturday
#pharaohschoko #notourcat #everydayiscaturday
π€£ The cleaning crew is here.
#pharaohschoko #notourcat #everydayiscaturday
He does not. Rather, he seemed uncomfortable with being held and cuddled, and left my lap shortly.
He's now on his way "home."
#pharaohschoko #notourcat #everydayiscaturday
La la la. Pharaoh Schoko arrives once more to clean up leftovers.
#PharaohSchoko #NotOurCat #EveryDayIsCaturday
#pharaohschoko #notourcat #everydayiscaturday
π€£ Someone's making absolutely sure there are no leftovers. π
#PharaohSchoko #NotOurCat #EveryDayIsCaturday
#pharaohschoko #notourcat #everydayiscaturday
Pharaoh Schoko arrives while Emma's still eating. I know how to solve this.
Once again, I closed the door, and all 4 cats are in the house. They're gonna hafta get used to it if he's gonna keep on visiting.
I'm not cruel, I'll let 'em all back out soon enough.
#pharaohshoko #notourcat #everydayiscaturday
Pharaoh Schoko joins me for morning poopage.
I really dig the red glow.
#PharaohShoko #NotOurCat #EveryDayIsCaturday
#pharaohshoko #notourcat #everydayiscaturday
Good morning, #HephalumpWorld! Tea is steeping.
A cool mor
Well look who's here, again! I closed the door and trapped him inside, again.
Why are Donald F Puppyfucker and his π·πΊ-financed insurrectionist cohorts not yet in custody? AmeriKKKa is a 3rd world shithole.
GOP = #Nazis
Fuck you, π boy.
Today's agenda: orthopedic appointment this morning.
#hephalumpworld #pharaohshoko #notourcat #incarceratedonaldpuppyfucker #nazis