Very pleased to see logic and reason win out over superstition and myth (and, more importantly, a limit on religion, however specific). This should never have gotten this far but now that it has it is precedent all across Canada.
Once again, No, churches, you don't have the right to spread disease during a pandemic.
#notover #COVID #christian #bcpoli #scc #cdnpoli
Washington DC grand jury that indicted Trump meets again in sign Jack Smith’s probe isn’t over
#Independent #WashingtonDC #GrandJury #TrumpIndictment #JackSmithProbe #NotOver #Politics #News
#independent #washingtondc #grandjury #trumpindictment #jacksmithprobe #notover #politics #news
Happy to report that, after three weeks, I'm finally testing Covid-negative. Yay!
#covid #notover #PandemicIsNotOver #happy
900,000 #NewYorkers Lost at Least 3 #LovedOnes to #Covid. And nearly one in four #NewYorkers lost at least one person close to them, according to a newly released survey. The toll was even higher among #PeopleofColor - I do not live in NY, and lost 2 - sure that you may have as well. #Covid is #NotOver. Free link to the NYT article
#newyorkers #lovedones #covid #PeopleofColor #notover
Me, an ocd, reading people's posts about the new covid strain:
What do you mean washing your hands NOW???
#covid #notover #pleasetellmeyouwerewashingyourhandsallalong
CTV News: Previous COVID infection linked to lower brain oxygen levels, cognitive problems: study
#canada #covid #LongCovid #MasksWork #masks #notover
CTV News: Previous COVID infection linked to lower brain oxygen levels, cognitive problems: study
#canada #covid #longcovid #maskswork #masks #notover
Yes, masks reduce the risk of spreading COVID, despite a review saying they don't
COVID, .... is transmitted primarily through the air.
Respirators (such as N95s) are designed ... to prevent air leakage and by filtering out 95% or more of potential infectious particles.
... surgical masks are designed to prevent splatter of fluid on the face and are loose-fitting, causing unfiltered air to leak in through the gaps around the mask.
@augieray Because as long as people believe those planes will be full of (other people's) old folks and anonymous "vulnerable" and poor people, they just actually don't care much - so long as their own life, family and holidays are not impeded, which they are happy to assume will be the case.
No, we're not all that callous. But that's the basis on which decisions are being taken, it seems.
#butSweden vs. #butDavos
We need #DavosStandard for everyone. Stop the #gaslighting. Its #notover. And protect yourself and everyone around you, please. #WearAMask
#butsweden #butdavos #davosstandard #gaslighting #notover #WearAMask
We need #DavosStandard for everyone - and journalists denouncing the hypocrisy and gaslighting. #CovidIsAirborne the pandemic is #notover and everybody is at risk of #LongCovid.
#davosstandard #COVIDisAirborne #notover #LongCovid
@wrigleyfield @TheConversationUS This is very interesting. My impression through contact with #analysts in the #NHS in 🇬🇧 has been that #COVID-19 has not made inequalities worse, rather that inequalities have been made worse through long-term national economic and social policy. However many #EthnicMinorities appeared #MoreVulnerable to COVID-19 through a mixture of #Inequality #HigherPopulationDensity & #LowerVaccineUptake. But #COVID-19 is #NotOver.
#analysts #nhs #COVID #ethnicminorities #morevulnerable #inequality #higherpopulationdensity #lowervaccineuptake #notover
Good article on current Covid denial in the UK.
Ich möchte gerne, dass das so stimmt. Aber haben die Fallzahlen denn überhaupt noch Bedeutung? Man hört, dass sich viele nicht testen, die Schnelltests würden nur zu 50% funktionieren bei den aktuellen Varianten, usw.
Und auch wenn es so wäre, solange RSV und die Influenza sich so austoben, wären dennoch Maßnahmen mehr als angebracht, vor allem zum Schutz der Kleinkinder.
#NotOver #Corona #Fallzahlen #MaskUp #ProtectTheKids #KinderSchützen
#notover #corona #Fallzahlen #MaskUp #ProtectTheKids #kinderschutzen #zukurzgedacht
Ich möchte gerne, dass das so stimmt. Aber haben die Fallzahlen denn überhaupt noch Bedeutung? Man hört, dass sich viele nicht testen, die Schnelltests würden nur zu 50% funktionieren bei den aktuellen Varianten, usw.
Und auch wenn es so wäre, solange RSV und die Influenza sich so austoben, wären dennoch Maßnahmen mehr als angebracht, vor allem zum Schutz der Kleinkinder.
#NotOver #Corona #Fallzahlen #MaskUp #ProtectTheKids #KinderSchützen
#notover #corona #Fallzahlen #MaskUp #ProtectTheKids #kinderschutzen #zukurzgedacht
BBC media pretty much writing off Cymru's chances of progressing now. It'll be difficult. Definitely. Not over til it's over. Once the USA humble englandshire tonight that'll put a very different complexion on things. 🏴 🇺🇲