Richtige Entscheidung!
#notowar #stopputin #sanctionsrussia
Solche Heuchler sollte man nach Muskowia verschiffen. Damit sie am eigenen Leib erfahren wie es ist in putins verkacktem Reich 'anders zu denken'!
Der Gemeinde sind die Hände gebunden
#schwurbler #putinfans #arlesheim #baselland #europa #putin #notowar #russlandisteinunrechtsstaat #ukraine
#schwurbler #putinfans #arlesheim #baselland #Europa #Putin #notowar #russlandisteinunrechtsstaat #ukraine
iii/vi • улов за два дня #antiwargraffiti #notowar #symbols #Zamoskvorechye #MW
#antiwargraffiti #notowar #symbols #zamoskvorechye #mw
"Denman Rooke, of PBP, said that he did not agree with the consultative forum model for discussing security policy.
He claimed that the event was stacked with speakers who were favourable to NATO and said he believed a citizens assembly would have been a more appropriate forum."
#NoWar #NoToWar #Peace #Neutrality #AntiWar #PBP #PeopleBeforeProfit
#nowar #notowar #peace #neutrality #antiwar #pbp #peoplebeforeprofit
Standing with fellow anti-war and pro-neutrality activists this morning calling out this 'forum' as the sham it is.
We will not be dragged into abandoning our neutrality.
If you want a real democratic debate, allow us to have a citizen's assembly instead and a referendum vote.
Auf zdfinfo laufen heute Abend sehr interessante Dokus, 'Tatort Ukraine; Im Schatten Russlands; 1000 Jahren und das #Massaker von Butcha'. Es geht um die ersten Tage und Folgen des brutalen Krieges in der #Ukraine, die Zeit nach dem Zusammenbruch der Sowietunion und die blutige Geschichte Russlands. Wer #Interesse hat, kann einen Blick drauf werfen.
#massaker #ukraine #interesse #Russland #Krieg #putinisawarcriminal #StopPutin #notowar
Αυτό το άρθρο περιγράφει πώς αυτοοργανομένες ομάδες αλληλοβοήθειας στο Σουδάν παρέχουν προμήθειες σε νοσοκομεία, συντονίζουν εκκενώσεις αμάχων και προσπάθούν να αποτρέψουν την εμπλοκή αμάχων στον εμφύλιο πόλεμο σήμερα.
This article details how grassroots mutual aid groups in Sudan have provided supplies to hospitals, coordinated evacuations for besieged civilians, and endeavored to prevent civilians from being swept up in the civil war.
To hold an opinion other than that of your fugitive "ruler" is illegal in some countries...
#HetBoñhe #NoToWar
Putins Sicherheitsoffizier, der übergelaufen ist, gibt Einblick in das Leben des Diktators.
#putin #diktator #ukraine #StopPutin #notowar #russiaisaterroriststate
#Putin #diktator #ukraine #StopPutin #notowar #russiaisaterroriststate
100s of Italians take to streets of Genoa, on Sunday, chanting #NoToWar as they urge their country to Stop supplying weapons to Kiev regime- dock workers at port city have been refusing to load containers onto waiting ships until their taxes stop feeding Kiev regime’s war machine.
@omdaru - #awe #wonder #creativity #serendipity #spirituality & #WinWinRadio: #ModernClassical, #NewAgeMusic, #ClassicalMusic, #ambient, #crossover and #motivational #quotes for #business - 24/7 stream - & Vlad Vorobev from #freeRussia #noToWar ! - - 150 episodes of #russian-#english #audiobooks and #phrasebooks - #intercultural Zoom #ESL coaching - #WinWinNews- #podcasting- #journalism #interview #smallbusiness
#awe #wonder #creativity #serendipity #spirituality #winwinradio #modernclassical #newagemusic #classicalmusic #ambient #crossover #motivational #quotes #business #freerussia #notowar #russian #english #audiobooks #phrasebooks #intercultural #esl #winwinnews #podcasting #journalism #interview #smallbusiness
<<We, Russians, demand complete withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine’s internationally recognized territory! Let us stand together and show the world that Russians publicly condemn the Kremlin’s actions. Join the anti-war protest in your city on February 24th, 2023. #notowar>>
🇩🇪German Bundestag member @AndrejHunko will be addressing our #PeaceNow rally on 25 Feb.
☮️Join us and say #NoToWar in Ukraine.