companions by @noone
hope and determination
are my companions in
troubled times
when i must endure
and i must find an answer
they warm my heart and
call for peace to touch my soul
they cannot fix all that
i would have repaired but
with them i find the way
to the next moment of joy
as do we all, all my life is lived
one moment to the next
i, with my companions
#poetry #smallpoem #notpanickingyet
Are there leadership/mentorship/professional initiatives out there for introverts that don't roll up into tips for masking oneself as an extrovert?
(Or, since these may be less accurate identifiers, allows one to be quiet, doesn't depend so much on social activities, and face-to-face interactions are as needed...)
I have other strengths.
#professionalgrowth #leadership #professionalwomen #introvert #notpanickingyet #lookingforwork
Are there leadership/mentorship/professional initiatives out there for introverts that don't roll up into tips for masking oneself as an extrovert?
I have other strengths.
#professionalgrowth #leadership #professionalwomen #introvert #notpanickingyet #lookingforwork
All around the clock we work
Like monkeys for the weasel
The weasel says it's all for not
Pop goes our income
#badpoetry #unemploymentblues #notpanicking #positioneliminated #notpanickingyet