Was floored by a Montreal developers public comment: “If people can't afford it, they should not live in the city. The city is made for the privileged” social housing bylaw gone wrong : https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/developers-pay-out-montreal-bylaw-diverse-metropolis-1.6941008
The developer say more about what a self centered wanker he is #notphp
Smoke is bad today & getting worse. Didn’t help that I left top floor fan on over night (pulls cool air through the house in lieu of AC). Took a moment to build our corsi-rosenthal box. Built with MERV 13 Pleated filters from https://www.furnacefilters.ca A higher MERV would be better, but they get a lot more expensive. We use 5 instead of 4 to help ease the strain on the fan. All sides are closed using clear packing tape instead of duct tape #smoke #fire #notphp
@thomastospace Fair enough. Sort of hoping the #notphp tag would help with this.
Gulf stream could collapse as early as 2025, study suggests. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/25/gulf-stream-could-collapse-as-early-as-2025-study-suggests. #climatechange #notphp
Gotta love DHL… “Sorry, we couldn’t deliver your package because no one was home. “
3 of us are home… we have a video doorbell that notifies us anytime someone comes to the front door.
Guess what… the driver is too lazy to do his job and never bothered to come to the front door.
Nazi’s were responsible for 17M+ deaths. Climate change is estimated to be responsible for 5M+ deaths a year. We fought like hell to eliminate the Nazi’s, but sit on our asses and watch Climate Change have its way?
Note to self and everyone else… Be more Keanu Reeves…
Update on the photo storage from a wine fridge. 68 degrees Farenheit or less and between 30-40%. Lower temperature is best for color photos. Forgot that photos should be kept in the dark. So much for that big glass door. Time to make it opaque! Having troubles finding a good #DIY on converting the #winefridge into a #temperature and #humidity #controlled #storage unit for #photos. We are also in touch with someone from Toronto Metropolitan University to help guide us. #notphp
#diy #winefridge #temperature #humidity #controlled #storage #photos #notphp
@emd @lisamelton I always think “Why boost? Everyone that follows me follows everyone I follow.” The lies we tell ourselves. #notphp
During this 20+ hr power outage, we learned that the little battery powered light we put in the basement stairwell, made a lot more sense in the bathroom. If going to the basement, one needs a flashlight while walking around in the basement. Especially when your basement is more of a stone walled cellar with a low ceiling. #notphp
If your electronic whatever has batteries that leak, please don’t blindly toss into the trash. Remove the batteries, clean the contacts, put new batteries in. Recycle old batteries when possible. Chances are, your device has many more years of life. We donated an expensive kit for the #hearing #impaired for phone, doorbell and other things, which my mom had used. 3 AAA batteries leaked a little and they through it all in the garbage. We retrieved it and will donate elsewhere. #notphp
@campuscodi @hacks4pancakes Wondering out loud if this affects pfsense on custom hardware? If yes, would scanning the logs for IPs found on the following GitHub page be sufficient to know if we might be infected? https://github.com/blacklotuslabs/IOCs/blob/main/AVrecon_IOCs.txt. #notphp #avrecon #pfsense
Just think, Elon could have chosen to help fight climate change, but he chose to blow $44B on hate and racism https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/14/health-alerts-blistering-heat-scorches-southern-europe #notphp #climatechange #rant
@grmpyprogrammer We always had very good success with Gusto Italia Purple pole beans. Heck, instead of throwing out my Dads little envelope of 10 year bean seeds, we planted them, and they all came up! https://ronpaulgardencentre.com/landscaping/seeds/page/64/ #notphp (added tag in edit)
IMO we need to all start billing/suing the oil companies for damages from storms/weather that is tied to #climagechange. It’s mostly their fault right? #notphp
Going to start tagging my posts that are not #notphp centric, so you can filter them out. For those that follow me only for PHP stuff (I haven’t posted a lot of that lately–but will be again soon), hopefully this makes me feed more palatable.